PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Submits the Success of Watershed Rehabilitation to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

JAKARTA -- PT Timah Tbk as the holder of a Borrow-to-Use Forest Area Permit (IPPKH) handed over the results of planting a rehabilitation watershed (DAS) in the Tuing Watershed, Mapur Village, Riau Silip District, Bangka Regency.

The handover of watershed rehabilitation was carried out by the General Manager of PT Timah Tbk Ahmad Syamhadi to the Director General of Watershed Management and Forest Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Dyah Murtiningsih at the Manggala Wanabakti Building, Tuesday (28/2/2023).

PT Timah Tbk planted trees for watershed rehabilitation covering an area of ??197.7 hectares with a success rate of 89.95 percent. The types of plants planted are palawan, gelam, cashew, ketapang, sea cypress, and mango.

The success rate of planting DAS 89.9 percent is considered very good. Article 70 paragraph 3 letter b Permen LHK Number P.59/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/10/2019 concerning Procedures for Implementation, Supporting Activities, Provision of Incentives, and Guidance and Control of Forest and Land Rehabilitation Activities, states that success in growing plants at least 75 percent of the initial planting is considered very good.

The success of planting in the framework of the obligation to rehabilitate the watershed is evaluated in an integrated manner by an assessment team consisting of elements from the Watershed Control Center and Protected Forest, the Provincial Service in charge of Forestry, and area stakeholders/managers.

This member of the Indonesian MIND ID Mining Holding was declared to have met the criteria for plant success. Activities carried out include planting, maintenance, and replanting of plants.

In carrying out watershed rehabilitation, PT Timah Tbk also involves and empowers the surrounding community, so that it can have an economic impact.

Director General of Watershed Management and Forest Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Dyah Murtiningsih said that watershed rehabilitation is an obligation for IPPKH owners.

She continued that watershed rehabilitation is an effort to protect forest ecosystems. In addition to supporting the Government's target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and towards Net Zero Emissions in 2060.

"Rehabilitation activities, she said, are not only for ecological purposes but must also balance the ecological function of restoring forest areas and ecosystems but also providing economic benefits to the people in forest areas," she said.

She also appreciated the IPPKH holders who had carried out their obligations in carrying out watershed rehabilitation. In the future, he hopes that the forest that has been planted can be maintained together.

"Thank you, you are still carrying out your obligations and there are still several companies that have not completed their obligations. The forest is sustainable, the ecosystem is back again and the people around the forest are also happy because they are involved and have an economic impact on the community," she said. (**)