PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Service Month to be Held in Kundur, Communities Can Participate in Mass Circumcision and Blood Donations

KUNDUR -- In welcoming the 47th anniversary of PT Timah Tbk, it will hold a Service Month with a series of mass circumcision activities and blood donations in all of the company's operational areas.

PT Timah Tbk Service Month series will also be held at the Kundur Production Unit which will be held at the Wisma Timah Kundur Multipurpose Building on Tuesday 18 July 2023.

PT Timah Tbk's Service Month activity at the Kundur Production Unit was enthusiastically welcomed by the community, as conveyed by Hamdi Pemuda from Tanjung Sari, Lubuk Village, Kundur District.

"This activity is very good and helps people who have sons and it's time to be circumcised but are constrained by costs. Of course this is good news," he said.

Similarly, Head of Perayun Village Tarub Murdiono, said mass circumcision and blood donation were social activities that could help the community.

"On behalf of the people of Perayun Village, I would like to thank PT Timah for always being involved in social activities, and we will convey this information to our community so that people can take advantage of this activity," he said.

Meanwhile, Kundur Barat sub-district head Khaidir said he often provides social assistance to the community and the benefits can be felt immediately. Moreover, activities like this can help the community.

"PT Timah Tbk has consistently and continuously provided assistance to the community, such as recently on Eid al-Adha dozens of cows were given by PT Timah to the community and there are many other types of assistance whose benefits are directly felt by the community," he said. (*)