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PT Timah Tbk Receives Award as Compliant Corporate Taxpayer from the Regent of West Bangka

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk has been honored as a compliant corporate taxpayer by the Regent of West Bangka, Sukirman.

The Certificate of Appreciation was presented by the Deputy Regent of West Bangka, Bong Ming Ming, to the Head of the Metallurgy Unit in Mentok, PT Timah Tbk, Ebbi Wibisana, at the Graha Aparatur Building of the West Bangka Regency Government on Tuesday (12/12/2023).

This award for being a compliant corporate taxpayer is an appreciation from the West Bangka Regency Government for taxpayers who have faithfully fulfilled their tax obligations, thereby supporting the achievement of tax targets in West Bangka Regency.

"As of December 7, 2023, Property Tax (PBB) P2 has reached IDR 4,880,442,056 or 77.47 percent, with the overall realization of local taxes reaching 81.16 percent and regional levies reaching 84.65 percent, and we should be grateful for that," said Deputy Regent of West Bangka, Bong Ming Ming.

Bong Ming Ming expressed appreciation for taxpayers who dutifully pay their taxes, hoping that this would continue to increase the Original Regional Revenue (PAD) of West Bangka Regency.

"West Bangka has many potentials, both in terms of its geographical location and its land. Thank you for your contributions so far with the concern of taxpayers. Hopefully, in the future, the West Bangka Regency Government can improve digital services so that PAD can increase further, improving the welfare of the people of West Bangka," he said.