PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Provides Education on Disaster Management in Badau Village, Residents Experience Many Benefits

BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk Belitung Production Unit together with TB Batu Besi carried out disaster management outreach in Badau Village, Badau District, Thursday (14/09/2023).

The three agendas carried out were fire prevention drill tests, basic life support (BHD), and first aid for accidents (P3K).

This activity is to provide understanding to Badau Village officials and the Badau Village community so that they can take initial action before the main aid arrives at the scene of the incident.

One of the participants, Andriansyah, said that the activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk would certainly increase knowledge and know-how, apart from that there would also be sharing which would be beneficial for the community.

"Well, if we have knowledge and understanding, we can provide first aid if an incident occurs," said Andriansyah.

According to him, PT Timah Tbk is very observant in seeing what often happens nowadays, such as frequent fires during the dry season.

So, socialization is very beneficial for the participants who attend.

"Thank God, the presenters and material are good and easy to understand, and can be applied immediately if something happens," he explained.

Andriansyah said he was impressed with the material provided, such as using APAR and other countermeasures.

"We hope that in the future we will continue to invite the public to take part in such activities, and we will respond to PT Timah Tbk's agenda," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Badau Village, Irawan Sumantri welcomed the activities carried out by PT Timah Tbk, because these activities had a positive impact, especially on education for the community.

Participants who attended were Linmas, BPBD candidates, village officials, and the community.

"We will disseminate this information to the public," he said.

Irawan is optimistic that the material presented in the socialization can be understood and applied in the field if something like this happens.

"This provides education to our residents, especially at this time there are many forest and land fires so that they can be handled early if they are emergencies," he said. (*)