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PT Timah Tbk Participates in Supporting the 2023 East Belitung Bujang Dayang Election

EAST BELITUNG - To support the creativity of young people in East Belitung, PT Timah Tbk participates in a series of activities for the 2023 East Belitung Bujang Dayang Election.

The election for Bujang Dayang Belitung was halted for 3 years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so this year's event was carried out in a festive manner. For this reason, PT Timah Tbk participated in the success of this event.

The Head of the East Belitung Tourism and Culture Office, Evi Nardi said the process of selecting Bujang Dayang Belitung Timur began with socialization, selection, technical meetings, branding digitization training until the 26-29th series of the road to Bujang Dayang Beltim 2023. Meanwhile, the peak night occurs on Saturday, July 30, 2023 evening.

According to Evi, after 3 years the Single Beltim Single Dayang election was not held due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2023 East Belitung Dayang Singles will be back at Yagor Manggar Field, Kurnia Jaya Village, Manggar.

"Obviously with a more mature concept and many works have been created. Participants are also provided with material related to tourism, the creative economy, and culture," she explained.

She explained the theme for the 2023 East Belitung Bujang Dayang election was "working for the country together to inspire".

Therefore Evi hopes that many works will be created by all the finalists and can inspire the young people of East Belitung.

"Among them are the appearance of heroes bands, Creative and UMKM bazaars, Cultural arts performances, Talent Show Nights, and the climax of the 2023 East Belitung Dayang Dayang East Bujang Grand Final Night," she said.

Then Evi also said that the role of sponsors, especially PT Timah Tbk, as the largest BUMN on Belitung Island, was huge in helping the event's success.

"Later, the East Belitung Bujang Dayang 2023 will be able to collaborate with PT Timah Tbk," he said. (*)