PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Moves Mangrove Planting Towards Indonesia Net Zero Emission

PANGKALPINANG -- The world is increasingly aggressive in reducing emissions and tackling climate change. Including in Indonesia, which has a target to achieve net zero emission or carbon emission free by 2060.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources contributed to the success of this program by encouraging mining companies to carry out reclamation and carry out decarbonization efforts.

Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ridwan Djamaluddin, said mining companies are required to carry out post-mining reclamation as stipulated in the regulations. More than just an obligation, according to him, reclamation is a social responsibility that must be carried out for the sustainability of future generations and for a healthier earth.

This was conveyed by him while attending a planting activity of 3000 Mangroves with PT Timah Tbk in the Rubiah Bay Coastal Area, Tanjung Village, West Bangka Regency, Saturday (12/2/2022).

He assessed that the reclamation carried out by PT Timah Tbk in planting mangroves was in line with reducing emissions efforts. As is known, mangroves are able to store and absorb carbon monoxide.

"Inevitably, decarbonization must be a joint effort, especially since it has become a global paradigm. When we plant mangroves for several years, they will thrive, this can add oxygen to the earth while absorbing carbon monoxide as an effort to reduce emissions," he said.

He explained that PT Timah Tbk's planting of mangroves was not the only this time, they even been directly involved in several mangrove planting activities, including in Pangkalpinang and in East Belitung.

The reclamation, which is integrated with the net zero emission program, is in line with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources roadmap. He admits that the criticism of the mining industry is related to environmental management. However, according to him, PT Timah Tbk has become a role model for other tin mining companies in environmental management.

He said that PT Timah had been operating for hundreds of years, management efforts were also carried out long ago.

"We assess that the reclamation which carried out by PT Timah Tbk is quite good and this is intensively carried out continuously on ex-mining land.
I am sure that PT Timah, a large corporation, will not forget its environmental responsibility for managing ex-mining land," he said.

He admitted, currently there are still many mining companies that have not carried out reclamation. For this reason, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources continues to encourage companies to immediately carry out reclamation.

"I haven't seen many companies doing reclamation like PT Timah Tbk, I'm sure this is not unwilling. This is a matter of momentum, we will encourage private tin mining companies to do the same. It can't be done, because it's a matter of environmental responsibility," he said.

He also appreciated PT Timah Tbk for involving the community in implementing environmental management. For him, in addition to having an environmental impact, it also empowers the community's economy.

"PT Timah Tbk got these seeds from community groups. So there is a community involvement program that will also have an impact on the community's economic factors. We also hope that the community will maintain and care for what has been planted," he said.

The head of the Tanjung Jaya Gapoktan, Hendrick M. Amin, said their group partnered with PT Timah Tbk to provide mangrove seedlings and was involved in planting. In addition to mangroves, his party also provides seeds for Ketapang, Perepat and others.

According to him, providing mangroves for PT Timah Tbk's needs has provided new job opportunities for group members. Thus, this has an additional economic impact on the community.

"There are currently 50 members, for active nurseries there are 25 people. Gapoktan began partnering with PT Timah Tbk since 2017. Since then, there have been more and more members so this also provides jobs for the community," he said.

According to him, the order for seeds from PT Timah Tbk has had an economic impact on them.

"We have additional income from this nursery now, because it must have been bought by PT Timah Tbk. We are also involved in various environmental management programs of PT Timah Tbk like Proper Emas yesterday. We have received many benefits because we are supported by PT Timah Tbk," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk Alwin Albar said, planting mangroves is a routine program carried out by the company. By this week, PT Timah Tbk has planted twice in Pangkalpinang City and today in West Bangka Regency.

"Last Wednesday, PT Timah Tbk planted 2000 Mangroves in Pangkalpinang City, and 3000 stems for today. This is a program that will be routinely implemented by PT Timah Tbk which is part of the company's environmental management," he said.

Furthermore, he mentioned that mangrove plants have many benefits such as abrasion resistance,
provide nutrition to coral clusters. In addition, mangroves are also able to absorb carbon.

"PT Timah has an integrated environmental management program including reclamation. Now, PT Timah Tbk is also preparing a roadmap to support the net zero emission program," he said.*