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PT Timah Tbk Invites Business Partners, Socialization of SMKP Implementation, and Internal Audit

Mining safety is PT Timah's priority, and for that PT Timah Tbk routinely reminds about K3 for the Insan Timah and the company's business partners.

PT Timah Tbk again invited mining service business partners in the Bangka Marine Production Unit and the Bangka Land Production Unit to participate in the socialization of the Implementation and Internal Audit of the Mining Safety Management System (SMKP) which was held at Graha Timah, Tuesday-Wednesday (30-31/8/ 2022).

Socialization of the Implementation and Internal Audit of SMKP as the company's efforts to implement a good mining system while prioritizing occupational safety and health in the mining process.

The socialization activity was opened by the General Manager of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Syamhadi, attended by Sub Coordinator of Mineral Mining Safety, Directorate of Engineering and Environment, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dwinanto Herlambang, Head of Marine Mining Unit Tonggo P. Situmorang and Head of the Bangka Land Mining Unit of PT Timah Tbk, Erwin Suheri, Head of Mining Engineering and business partners of PT Timah Tbk.

General Manager of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Syamhadi said mining safety is a very important thing that must be implemented by all parties.

He said last year PT Timah Tbk succeeded in zero fatality, for this year his party hopes that this year's achievement can be maintained and become a culture.

"We all have obligations regarding work safety, we are grateful that last year's target of zero fatality was achieved. Efforts to achieve work safety can only be achieved with good governance and management," he said.