PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Helps Reduce Medical Costs for Kenzio, a Toddler in West Bangka Who Suffers from a Corrupt Heart

WEST BANGKA -- Nia Vania (29) could not contain her happiness when the PT Timah Tbk CSR team visited her residence in Kelapa Village, Kelapa District, West Bangka Regency to hand over assistance for medical expenses for her son Kenzio (3).

Kenzo is known to have a heart attack and will have to undergo surgery in May next year. However, he is currently undergoing a series of treatments.

According to Nia, Kenzio has undergone treatment several times in various hospitals and had to be referred to Jakarta for treatment.

“At the age of 2 years, Kenzio's heart was X-rayed and it was slightly enlarged, compared to a normal child's heart. After that, in May 2022, Kenzo had vomiting and was taken to a pediatrician and advised to be referred to the provincial hospital. The heart specialist diagnosed him with a leaky heart. The doctor referred him to the hospital. Our hope is Jakarta, and the operation will be carried out in May 2024," said Nia.

He explained that the family's current economic condition made it difficult for him to meet his child's medical expenses. So they need the helping hand of benefactors.

"We have financial constraints due to the family's difficult economic conditions, because my husband only works as a cellphone service person, and I am just a housewife. We are looking for help from PT Timah and other benefactors considering that the cost of necessities during Kenzio's operations in Jakarta is not small," he said. Nia.

Nia feels lucky, that PT Timah Tbk can help with medical costs for her heart baby.
“We would like to thank PT Timah for assisting our children. "This assistance will be used for needs when Kenzio undergoes surgery at a hospital in Jakarta," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of RT 11 RW 5, Kelapa Village, Kelapa District, West Bangka Regency, Angga Saputra, appreciated PT Timah's concern for helping their residents.

"As RT heads on behalf of the residents, we would like to express our gratitude for PT Timah's concern in helping our sick residents. "Hopefully this assistance will be useful for Kenzio undergoing surgery later," he said. (*)