PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Health Car Provides Free Health Services in Kurnia Village, Residents Hope to Come Again

BELITUNG TIMUR - PT Timah Tbk Health Car is again providing free health services for the people of East Belitung (Beltim). This time PT Timah Tbk Health Car provides free health services for the community around Kurnia Village, Manggar District, East Belitung Regency, Tuesday (18/072023).

Dozens of people came directly to the Warung Berandun yard, next to Puncak Manggar, to get free health services from PT Timah Tbk.

A resident of Kurnia Jaya Hamlet, Yani (47) is happy with the health services that come directly to their village. The reason is, currently many people do not want to come to the hospital for treatment, so if you are only mildly ill you can postpone it first.

"Yesterday, Mother wanted to go to the hospital for two days, but didn't go anywhere. So, there is a healthy car, so come here for treatment," said Yani.

She said that this was the first time he had received treatment in the healthy car, and appreciated all the services provided. He hopes that this program can continue to be implemented continuously because it has an impact on society.

"It's nice to have PT Timah Tbk's facilities like this, we are not far away for treatment and we are greatly helped," She said.

In the same vein, Reni said that treatment in a healthy car was very good and easy. Moreover, medical personnel and waiters are also quite friendly and pleasant.

"It's easier, closer, and less complicated. Hopefully, later it can be routine and scheduled so it's more practical and efficient," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Kurnia Jaya Village, Jus'an, said that around 60 residents of Kurnia Jaya Village also experienced PT Timah Tbk's free healthy car services.The community is spread over several hamlets in Kurnia Jaya Village.

"Having a healthy car pioneered by PT Timah Tbk is very good because it helps residents to know their health condition," said Jus'an.

He said, usually residents of Kurnia Jaya Village seek treatment at the nearest puskesmas, sometimes residents also often seek treatment at paramedics in the nearest area around Kurnia Jaya.

According to him, PT Timah Tbk's healthy car service has really helped the community. Therefore, the Kurnia Jaya Village government hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to implement the Healthy Car because it really helps the community.

"Hopefully in the following year this activity will continue so that our community will be helped by this free treatment," he said.

In addition, PT Timah Tbk's healthy car will be back in Padang Village on Thursday (20/07) and in Lintang Village.