PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Hands over Sports Facilities Assistance to Three Hamlets in Belo Laut Village

WEST BANGKA -- To promote community sports, PT Timah Tbk again handed over the assistance of soccer and volleyball sports facilities and infrastructure for the community in Ahoi Hamlet, Tanjung Punai Hamlet and Air Ibul Hamlet Belau Laut Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency.

The sports facilities and infrastructure provided were in the form of sports costumes, football and volleyball, as well as nets. The assistance was handed over by CSR staff of PT Timah Setiawan and attended by DPD RI member Darmansyah Husein, Monday (18/7/2022).

The Chairperson of the Women's Volleyball Team of Pangkalan Ahoy Hamlet, Minut (33) admitted that she was happy to receive the assistance of sports facilities and infrastructure from PT Timah Tbk.

"We, from the women's volleyball team, Dusun Pangkalan Ahoi, would like to thank PT Timah for the assistance with sports facilities for the development of sports in our hamlet," said Minut.

Meanwhile, community leaders from Tanjung Punai Taba (45), who are also sports activists, expressed their appreciation for PT Timah Tbk's support for the development of sports in remote areas.

"First, the people of Tanjung Punai express their deepest gratitude to PT Timah. Alhamdulillah, the development of sports in Tanjung Punai, especially the women in almost every tournament won first place. Hopefully PT Timah will be more victorious," said Taba.

Similarly, Sadiyani (50), a resident of Air Ibul hamlet, Belo Laut Village, also admitted that she was greatly helped by the assistance of sports facilities from PT Timah.

"This assistance is very useful, it supports the development of sports in our village. Thank you PT Timah, hopefully it will continue to grow and prosper," he said.

Meanwhile, DPD RI member Darmansyah Husein appreciated PT Timah's contribution to the development of Bangka Belitung, according to him, PT Timah's CSR assistance was right on target.

In addition, he assesses that PT Timah Tbk is quite evenly distributed in distributing its CSR so that it can be felt directly by the community.

"I think the first PT Timah CSR assistance is more appropriate, the distribution of aid is properly checked. It is hoped that the targeted assistance will make the community feel more useful," he said.

"In the future, we hope that PT Timah can continue to be an agent of development, an agent of development in Bangka Belitung. As a company that can contribute to state revenues and regional benefits," he said.