PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Facilities and Infrastructure to Nurussalam Mukalimus Mosque

SAWANG -- To support religious activities at the Nurussalam Mukalimus Mosque, Sawang Village, Kundur Barat District, Karimun Regency, PT Timah handed over facilities and infrastructure in the form of a sound system to this mosque, Friday (22/7/2022).

The administrator of the Nurussalam Mukalimus Mosque, Sawang Village, M.Isa, revealed that the sound system owned by their mosque was no longer feasible. So it needs to be replaced in order to facilitate religious activities carried out in the mosque.

"The existing sound system is no longer suitable for use, because it has been around for a long time," he said.

He is grateful that PT Timah Tbk can help them have a new sound system. This facility will make it easier for mosque administrators.

"Thank you to PT Timah Tbk for the assistance that has been given to us as administrators and the community in Sawang Village, and this really helps us," he said.

He said PT Timah Tbk often helps the community. So that its presence is felt by the community.

"We always feel the presence of PT Timah Tbk in the midst of the community. When we need help, PT Timah is always there for the community," he said.

Similarly, the Head of Kundur Barat Sub-district Haidir appreciated PT Timah Tbk's attention to the community.

"I convey great appreciation to PT Timah Tbk. I never get bored and tired of always paying attention to the people in Kundur Barat, the company's contribution to the community is very much felt," he said.

"Hopefully the company's role and contribution can continue for the development and progress of the community in Kundur Barat District. Thank you PT Timah Tbk, hopefully PT Timah Tbk will continue to grow," he said.