PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Covid-19 Handling Support to BPBD Belitung and East Belitung

BELITUNG – In order to assist the Government in accelerating the handling and prevention of the Spread of Covid-19 on Belitung Island, PT Timah Tbk handed over aid for Covid-19 handling equipment to the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Belitung Regency and East Belitung Regency, Thursday (26/8/ 2021).

Each BPBD received 100 packs of Hazmat, 100 liters of Disinfectant and 20 Boxes of Masks. This assistance is expected to help the Government in handling Covid-19 in these two districts. For BPBD Belitung Regency, the handover was carried out on Wednesday (25/8/2021). Meanwhile, East Belitung Regency was handed over on Thursday (26/8/2021).

Secretary of the Task Force for East Belitung Regency, Ikhwan Fahrozi, appreciated PT Timah Tbk's commitment in handling Covid-19. The reason is, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Timah Tbk is still distributing the needed assistance.

“Our task force receives goods or nominal, which we will collect later. PT Timah Tbk's commitment in handling the Covid-19 outbreak is quite extraordinary and we appreciate this assistance," he said.

According to the Ikhwan, his party will immediately identify the needs for handling the Covid-19 outbreak, the article is that the Beltim Regency Government is currently implementing integrated isolation.

"We know that integrated isolation must provide a standard, a proper place, one of which is the needs given by PT Timah Tbk," he explained.

He said the assistance from PT Timah Tbk would be distributed to isoter locations in East Belitung.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of BPBD Belitung Bastiar also welcomed the assistance of PT Timah Tbk, because it is a form of the Company's concern for the community.

"We must deal with Covid-19 together, everyone must be involved," he said.

According to Bastiar, PT Timah Tbk's assistance has greatly helped their supply of PPE, and hopefully they will continue to synergize in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak.

"The aid will be used for personnel, such as hazmat for the funeral process for Covid-19 bodies," he explained.

Bastiar hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk and BPBD Belitung can synergize with each other in various ways, especially now that there is still an outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We synergize with each other, if PT Timah Tbk needs our help, yes we are ready to help, we synergize with each other," he said.

The handover of assistance for handling Covid-19 was symbolically handed over by the Head of the Belitung Production Unit Sigit Prabowo to the Secretary of the Covid-19 Task Force of East Belitung Regency Ikhwan Fahrozi and witnessed by the East Belitung Regent Burhanudin, 0414 Belitung Dandim Mustofa Akbar and East Belitung Police Chief Taufik.