PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Assistance to Support TPA and Tahfidz Al-Karomah Air Raya Activities

BELITUNG - To support community religious education, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to the Al-Quran Education Park (TPA) and Tahfidz Al-Karomah, Air Rayak Village, Tanjungpandan, Belitung Regency.

This assistance is to support religious education for children, as well as support TPA which has the aspiration of creating a Quranic generation.

PT Timah Tbk's assistance was received directly by the Head of the TPA and Tahfidz Al-Karomah of Air Rayak Village, Hafiz, who said that PT Timah Tbk's assistance was very helpful because the TPA was independent and had no foundation.

"Thank God, this assistance from PT Timah Tbk will be used for operations," said Hafiz.

According to him, this assistance will be used to add desks and office stationery (ATK) as well as other supporting facilities.

Currently, there are 50 children participating in the TPA program and 11 Tahfidz.

"The children here are furthest from Air Merbau, Kelakak Usang, and around Air Raya," he said.

Therefore, he really appreciates PT Timah Tbk's assistance, because it is very useful for their operations.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk will continue to help TPAs ??or Tahfidz like this, in order to provide charity to PT Timah Tbk itself.

"This is PT Timah Tbk's charity, these children can recite the Koran, and the rewards flow to all of PT Timah Tbk," he said. (*)