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PT Timah Tbk Foster Partners Friskila Natural Beauty Wins the Babel UMKM Award

BELITUNG TIMUR - The fostered partner of PT Timah Tbk Friskila Natural Beauty Belitung Timur won first place in the best partnership category in the 2023 Bangka Belitung Province MSME Award beginner entrepreneur competition.

Friskila Natural Beauty won first place in that category, while the second to third place was won by other Babel SMEs.

The owner of Friskila Natural Beauty, Friskila Mardiana said, she did not expect to be able to win an award in one of the categories in the UMKM Award Babel.

Because, the award is for all of Babylon, especially since Babylon has many MSMEs.

"I didn't think at all that I could win this competition, let alone get 1st place," said Friskila Mardiana.

According to Friskila, earlier at the start of the UMKM Award, he
already provided the best possible business profile, and during the interview the assessment team visited Belitung, he gave answers according to the actual conditions.

Then on the peak night of the Babel UMKM Award on Monday (17/07/2023), he was invited at the Bangka City Hotel to receive the 1st place award in the beginner entrepreneur competition in the best partnership category directly.

"I feel very grateful, happy to be able to achieve that," he said.

Then he also hopes that there will be more events like this, to provide opportunities for other beginner MSMEs, so that they can go up a class together.

He also realized that the impact of becoming a partner of PT Timah Tbk was also very positive, because he was also assisted with promotions and was invited to exhibit at several events.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk will also include them in exhibitions held outside Babylon later.

In addition, in the process of developing their business they are always provided with assistance from the relevant OPD if they experience difficulties.

"Always optimistic in every event or competition, always do all the tasks given as best as possible, and be honest," he said. (*)