PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Encourages Increase in East Belitung Salt Kube Salt Production

BELITUNG TIMUR - PT Timah Tbk encourages increased salt production in the KUPS Kube Garam Lestari group, Padang Village, Manggar, East Belitung Regency.

The encouragement is through program development fund assistance to the group.

The assistance was handed over directly by the Main Director of PT Timah Tbk, Ahmad Dani Virsal accompanied by the Regent of East Belitung, Burhanudin to the KUPS Mudong Garam Lestari group, Sunday (20/08/2023).

The head of Padang Village, Manggar Izhar District, said the Padang Village Government appreciated PT Timah Tbk for providing this assistance to KUPS Mudong Garam Lestari.

According to him, PT Timah Tbk continues to encourage the economic progress of the surrounding community.

"Hopefully the assistance from PT Timah Tbk will be used to make improvements, to maximize results," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Kube Garam Lestari, Akhartoni expressed his gratitude to PT Timah Tbk for supporting their business group.

The aid will be used to add to their salt plots to increase production.

"Hopefully, with PT Timah Tbk's concern, it can increase the results of this salt production," he said.

According to him, their target is to increase the number of salt plots, so they can harvest every day.

"At least we can produce one tonne at the very least, that is our target," he said. (**)