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PT Timah Tbk Deploys Fire Fighting Team to Help Tame Fire at the Burning Muntok Market National Store

WEST BANGKA -- The fire fighting team of PT Timah Tbk took part in extinguishing the fire that occurred at the National Electronics store located at Muntok Market, Jalan Mayor Syafrie Rahman, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency on Wednesday (14/9/2022) afternoon.

PT Timah Tbk deployed three trained personnel and one fire jeep to help extinguish the fire.

Together with the West Bangka District Fire Team, West Bangka BLHD, Sat Pol PP, Police, TNI and the community the fire was successfully extinguished about 15 minutes from the fire at around 17.30 WIB.

Head of the Fire Department at the Pol PP and Firefighters Unit of West Bangka Regency, Zulkarnain, said that the cause of the fire was suspected to be due to a short circuit in the electrical equipment from the shop.

"When we arrived at the location of the smoke and the fire had grown in approximately 15 minutes the fire could be extinguished. The team managed to tame it at 18.00 WIB in the afternoon," said Zulkarnain

"After we checked, the fire was suspected to have been caused by a short circuit in the electric cable whose load was too large. This caused sparks and grabbed flammable materials because this shop is an electronics shop," he added.

Meanwhile, Alfian (32) the son of the owner of the National Store said the fire occurred at around 17.30 WIB. He said that at the time of the incident thick smoke came out of the shop.

"First, smoke came out of the shop. We immediately moved electronic items to the other side. The fire came from the first electrical terminal emitting smoke and there were sparks," said Alfian at the location, Wednesday (14/9/2022) night.

Seeing the sparks, he and his family immediately extinguished the fire with makeshift equipment. The fire did not go out so he immediately contacted the local fire department.

"We used a bucket. The fire wasn't there but the smoke kept coming out. So we called the fire department to put it out," he said.

He estimates that as a result of the incident, he suffered a loss of Rp. 90 million because some of his electronic goods were burned.

"The loss itself is because there are merchandise plus personal items, we estimate that we asked the owner for around Rp. 90 million," he said.