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PT Timah Tbk Cultivating Vaname Fish and Shrimp with the KJA Concept on East Belitung Sukun Island

BELITUNG TIMUR - PT Timah Tbk made a pilot project for Integrated Aquaculture with the Concept of Floating Net Cages (KJA) which was carried out in the Sukun Island Area in the Hanging Sea, East Belitung Regency.

Cultivating beautiful grouper fish and vannamei shrimp is considered successful. The reason is that around 400 kilograms of beautiful grouper fish and 80 kilograms of vannamei shrimp have been harvested during the cultivation activity, Thursday (17/11/2022).

Integrated aquaculture with the KJA concept started in March 2022, then the seeds began to be sown on April 12.

PT Timah Tbk together with PT Agro Marina Anugerah Lestari and Bangka Belitung University cultivates vannamei shrimp and "beautiful" hybrid grouper. These two types were chosen because they have high economic value.

The KJA supervisor from PT Agro Marina Anugerah Lestari Diki Saputra said that his party and PT Timah Tbk conducted a study on site selection. This location was chosen because it has water characteristics and the area is also protected.

"The number of KJA is four units, there are 16 plots with a size of 3.5 x 3.5 meters, containing two plots of vannamei shrimp and beautiful keparu," said Diki Saputra.

According to Diki Saputra, there are several obstacles in developing fisheries with KJA which are related to nature, such as bad weather.

"Thank God, we harvested about 400 kilos of beautiful grouper fish and around 40 kilos of vannamei shrimp. We have harvested two vannamei shrimp, with a total of 80 kilograms," he explained.

Meanwhile, an Aquaculture Lecturer at the University of Bangka Belitung, Fahrul said that this cultivation trial had been carried out with a team from UBB in Matras Waters, Sungailiat which is close to an active tin mine (suction boat), but a different type of grouper fish was cultivated, namely the hybrid grouper "cantang " which grows faster than the beautiful grouper in Belitung.

"Of course, the beautiful grouper in Belitung grows faster and has a better price than other fish," said Fahrul.

So he said, in order to anticipate threats during fish growth, they provide vitamins, wash regularly with fresh water, and herbs, and are given low doses of oxygen, plus washing the wareng.

"In Belitung, sales are easier, and ships from outside can come and buy directly at KJA," he said.

Present at the harvesting of vannamei shrimp and beautiful grouper fish at PT Timah Tbk's marine cage around the East Belitung Islands, Main Director of PT Agro Marina Anugerah Lestari Sadina, Director of Operations and Finance of PT Agro Marina Anugerah Lestari Sigit Prabowo, Aquaculture Lecturer at Bangka Belitung University Fahrul, Head of East Belitung Mining and Transportation Supervision Andriansyah and Head of Business Intelligence Rubiarto.