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PT Timah Tbk Collaborates with Kenanga Fishermen to Create Fish and Squid FADs, Hundreds of Fishermen Will Experience the Benefits

BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk is collaborating again with fishermen groups to create fish FADs. This time, PT Timah Tbk is collaborating with the Ridho Divine Bersatu Fishermen's Group, Kenanga Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.

This group is making fish FADs which will later be sunk together with PT Timah Tbk. As is known, FADs are a medium that can attract schools of fish to the area. Some say that FADs become fish houses which can make it easier for fishermen to catch fish.

Sinking FADs is one of PT Timah Tbk's efforts to increase fishermen's catches.

Hundreds of FADs have been made by the Ridho Divine United Fishermen's Group which will later be sunk together. The FADs they make consist of two types, namely fish FADs and squid FADs.

"Alhamdulillah, we are very grateful to be able to be assisted by PT Timah in making this FAD. "There are two types of FADs that we made, including 170 units of fish FADs and 37 units of squid FADs," said the head of Ridho Divine Fishermen Bersatu, Karyadi.

He said that as many as 200 FADs would be sunk at six points in the waters of the Rebo Sea. He said fish FADs would be sunk around 1-2 miles from the shoreline, while squid FADs would be about 1-2 miles from the shoreline.

According to Karyadi, in making this FAD, they and members of a group of around 12 fishermen were involved in the making process.

"Frankly, we have been greatly helped by this program from PT Timah. Even friends hope that activities like this can be done every year. "So when we can't go to sea, we still have activities to make FADs like this," he said.

They are grateful for the collaboration in making FADs with PT Timah Tbk because it has many benefits. Even with the immersion of these FADs, hundreds of fishermen can feel the benefits.

"There are many KUBs who will benefit from this FAD, in Kenanga Village itself there are around 6 KUBs, with each KUB having dozens of members, so if you calculate that, hundreds of fishermen will feel the benefits from this FAD," he said.

"These FADs really help us look for fish in the sea, so we don't have to go far to go to sea. Because the FAD point we were sinking into was very close. "With the many benefits we have experienced, we are very grateful and grateful to PT Timah," said the man who is often called Cak Yadi.

Cak Yadi said that there is quite a lot of fish potential in Rebo sea waters and the types are varied, such as yellow-yellow fish, red snapper, grouper, seminyak, and Jarang Gigi. (*)