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PT Timah Tbk Bunsan's Misoa Partner Business is Increasingly Developing, Marketing Products to Singapore

MERANTI -- The misoa-making business run by Bunsan, a resident of Jalan Sungai Juling, Selat Panjang, Meranti Islands Regency, who is a partner developed by PT Timah Tbk, continues to grow until it can penetrate the international market.

Misoa is a food that is similar to noodles and is made from wheat flour and is popular with the public. This food can be processed into various delicious dishes that will appetize your appetite.

Bunsan and his wife have been running this misoa business for a long time, around 40 years ago. Their misoa is known and in demand because it tastes delicious and is healthy because it is free of preservatives.

According to Bun San, the Misoa he makes is a family business that has been passed down from generation to generation. They use quality wheat flour mixed with homemade spices and family recipes.

"I make this misoa with my wife, this is a kind of business that has been passed down from generation to generation. Why is our misoa different because we use a family recipe so the taste and aroma will definitely be different from what other people make," he said.

He said, for marketing Misoa products, apart from around Selat Panjang, also to Pekanbaru, Dumai and even Singapore.

The demand for his homemade misoa will increase every time the Chinese New Year celebration approaches. So one or two months before the Chinese New Year celebration they produce around 30 kg in one day.

Therefore, they need a lot of capital to meet consumer demand, so they take advantage of PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program.

"We are sometimes unable to meet demand due to limited business capital, and opportunities like this are often missed. So in the end we took advantage of PT Timah's PUMK program to strengthen our business capital," he said.

Their efforts were not in vain, after receiving capital injection from PT Timah Tbk, their business continued to grow because the program from PT Timah Tbk was very good and helpful.

"I am determined and will continue to develop this misoa business because this is a family business that has been passed down from generation to generation. And it is getting easier for us because we have support from PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program," he said.

He is grateful to be able to take advantage of the PUMK program from PT Timah Tbk because he can continue to optimize existing business opportunities and is no longer constrained by capital.

"In my opinion, the partnership program from PT Timah has a lot of convenience and relief and this is different from the others. This is what makes PT Timah Tbk proven to help MSMEs," he said.

He even plans to use PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program again to develop other businesses such as the swallow's nest business.

"I also still want to continue as a partner with PT Timah Tbk because I want to develop other businesses, such as swallow's nests, which I personally think have promising prospects, but they require capital," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk's PUMK program can continue to run to help MSMEs improve their businesses.

"We hope that this program will continue, especially in Meranti Regency, so that it can help small businesses like me to develop and compete, so that our economy can also improve," he said. (*)