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PT Timah Tbk Assists with Medical Expenses for Two Residents of Belitung Island

BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk has provided financial assistance for the medical treatment of two residents of Belitung Island. This aid is expected to help alleviate the burden on families facing adversity.

The assistance was handed over to Anggita Triningrum (22), a resident of Senyubuk Village in Kelapa Kampit Subdistrict, East Belitung Regency, and Iwan Septiadi (25), a resident of Badau Village in Badau Subdistrict, Belitung.

Anggit's father, Irwanto, explained that his daughter had been suffering from jaw cancer for several years. Currently, she is in East Belitung, Jakarta, for medical treatment.

"At present, her jaw has been removed, and the plate has been changed three times but failed. Finally, it was redesigned with bones and reinstalled," said Irwanto.

Irwanto says his daughter is undergoing therapy because her tongue has not been used for 3 years, so she needs to be trained again to chew and speak.

"There was a lump below the gums, but it was operated on. Then it reappeared and kept recurring until she sought treatment in Yogyakarta, where she was attending school," he explained.

Irwanto continued that in Yogyakarta, due to the swelling, her jaw was cut, and upon examination, it was found that the jaw cancer had spread. Eventually, in Jakarta, all of her jaws were removed.

"She has been in Mes East Belitung for 2 years and 1 year in Yogyakarta," he added.

In Jakarta, Anggita currently undergoes treatment every three days at RS Dharmais, bearing the living expenses herself. Therefore, she is very grateful for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

"Alhamdulillah for the assistance from PT Timah Tbk. It is very helpful for living in Jakarta," he said.

Meanwhile, Zurmia, the parent of Iwan Septiadi, mentioned that her son has an eye ailment because he fell and his eye was pierced by wood, causing it to frequently water. He was referred to Jakarta three times.

Initially, he received treatment in Belitung, then was brought to Jakarta, but he was only given medication without surgery. However, eventually, his eye was operated on.

"In the end, he was operated on yesterday, and Alhamdulillah, his condition has improved," she said.

Zurmia mentioned that they sought help from PT Timah Tbk for the continuity of her son's treatment.

"Alhamdulillah, PT Timah Tbk helped. Thank you very much," she concluded.