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PT Timah Tbk Assists in the Development of Facilities and Infrastructure for Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran Zir Bin Hubaisy

PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk helped develop the facilities and infrastructure of Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran Zir Bin Hubaisy on Jalan Rariang, Taman Bunga Village, Pangkalpinang City, Wednesday (16/02/2022).

Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran Zir Bin Hubaisy is a place for Islamic religious learning and a place for tahfiz Al-Quran. A total of 100 male and female students who came from Bangka Belitung and from various regions such as Palembang, Lampung, and so on studied in this place.

Head of Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran Zir Bin Hubaisy
Ustaz Ruslan said that this school was founded in 2019 and has been officially registered with the Ministry of Religion.

"Actually, ma'had tahfizh al-qurán has been established in 2019 and has been officially registered with the Ministry of Religion. This MTAQ deepens the knowledge of Islamic religion and focuses on memorizing the Koran," he said.

"But ma'had tahfizh Al-Quran will also teach general lessons for students who cannot read and write. General lessons will also be focused when students will face the package exam," he continued.

He said studying at Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran would not burden the students in terms of costs.

"We do not burden the students for school fees. If the students can't afford it, we will make it free and if they can only afford this, we will accept it," he said.

He said that the assistance provided by PT Timah Tbk would be used to pay the installments for the construction that had been completed.

“We are very grateful for what has been given by PT Timah. God willing, we will use it to pay the installments for the class construction that has been completed. Because we've been paying it in installments for more than a year," he said.

He expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by PT Timah Tbk to develop facilities and infrastructure for Ma'had Tahfizh Al-Quran.

“I am very grateful for the assistance provided by PT Timah. We really need funds like this to make the facilities here even better. This assistance gives a positive impression to PT Timah Tbk,” he said. (**)