PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Tbk Assists in Construction of Houses of Worship on Bangka Island

Bangka - PT Timah Tbk continues to show tangible actions to contribute to the community in the company's operational areas in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Through CSR, PT Timah in early 2022 has handed over assistance for worship facilities to a number of places of worship in Bangka.

Recently, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to accelerate the completion of construction and improve the facilities and infrastructure of the Musala Al Ikhlas in Belo Laut, Muntok sub-district, West Bangka Regency and Nurul Ihsan Mosque, Pergam Village, Air Gegas District, South Bangka Regency.

The head of the Al Ikhlas Musala, Mashud (48) said that the Al Ikhlas Musala can already be used for worship, but there is still a shortage of worship facilities. "Alhamdulillah, the prayer room can be used, PT Timah's assistance is the second aid to complete the construction of the prayer room, such as for the construction of ablution places, prayer rooms terraces, and toilets," explained Mashud.

One of the residents of Dusun III Belo Laut who is also a member of the Al Ikhlas Musala said that with the assistance from PT Timah Tbk, he accelerated the completion of the construction of the prayer room so that it could increase comfort for the congregation. "Thanks to PT Timah for helping the construction of this Musala. Hopefully, this assistance will be completed quickly, so that the congregation will be more comfortable in worshiping," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Nurul Ihsan Mosque, Pika said that the assistance from PT Timah Tbk would be used to build a warehouse which would later be used to store mosque equipment.

According to Pika, his party was optimistic that they could get assistance from PT Timah Tbk, because in their area there is no company operational area. However, this was immediately refuted when receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk. "In the past, we were hesitant to submit a proposal to PT Timah because we received information that PT Timah would not help if there was no PT Timah operating area in the area. But it turned out not to be true," he said.

He said that this assistance from PT Timah Tbk, apart from building a warehouse, will also be used to install the building blocks for the mosque. "Alhamdullilah, today the concerns of the Nurul Ihsan Mosque management have been answered, PT Timah Tbk has responded to the proposals submitted. This certainly makes us feel calm, our plan to make a warehouse as well as a kitchen will soon be realized. If later there is an excess, we will use it to install a block behind the mosque so that we don't see the bushes caused by weeds," said Pika with a smile.

He mentioned, with the construction of the mosque's warehouse and kitchen so that the Tabliqh congregation can use it when visiting the Nurul Ihsan Mosque. (**)