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PT Timah Tbk Again Sinks Hundreds of Fish FADs in Rebo Waters, Fishermen Have Experienced the Benefits

BANGKA -- Fish FADs have many benefits in making it easier for fishermen to find fish. The reason is that FADs can help fishermen increase production, efficiency, and effectiveness of fishing operations.

FADs are even a tool or medium for collecting fish which have various types of shapes to attract them to gather. Usually, FADs are made to resemble natural coral so that the fish will feel like they have found a new home. When fish gather in FADs, it will make it easier for fishermen to catch fish.

Realizing the benefits of these FADs, PT Timah Tbk in recent years has actively collaborated with fishing groups in the company's operational areas to sink FADs.

Through the company's TJSL program, PT Timah Tbk has sunk hundreds of FADs in West Bangka Regency and several other areas. This time, PT Timah Tbk drowned 170 fish FADs in the Rebo Sea, Sungailiat, Bangka Regency, Wednesday (29/11/2023).

Previously, this member of the MIND ID Mining Industry Holding, PT Timah Tbk, also sank 36 squid attractor units in the Rebo Sea on November 14, 2023.

PT Timah Tbk collaborated with the Chairman of the Ridho Divine Bersatu Fishermen's Group, Kenanga Village, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency to build and sink hundreds of units of these fish FADs.

"This FAD sinking activity is the second time for us and PT Timah, the first was in 2021. Meanwhile, for the sea reclamation activity, we have been synergizing with PT Timah for quite a long time, that's around 6 years," said Chairman of the Ridho Divine Bersatu Fishermen's Group, Karyadi.

According to Karyadi, they have felt the benefits of the presence of FADs because they no longer need to go far to go to sea when the fish have gathered and the distance covered is also shorter.

They also distributed these FAD immersion points to local fishermen so that this could also be felt by other fishermen such as fishermen from Kenanga, Rebo, Parit Padang and Jurung Villages.

He hopes that this FAD immersion activity can become an annual routine agenda carried out with PT Timah Tbk so that there will be more FADs in the Rebo Waters.

"Hopefully this can be done every year because, for fishermen with small engine capacity, it is very helpful. "Because the coverage radius of 3-4 miles is still relatively close, and easy to access," said Karyadi.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Branch Leadership Council of the All Indonesian Fishermen's Association (DPC HNSI) Bangka Regency, Lukman, who was present at this activity, said that PT Timah Tbk has many programs that are carried out with fishermen groups.

Not only sinking FADs, according to Lukman, PT Timah Tbk also often helps fishermen who experience accidents, planting mangroves with fishermen.

"So far our collaboration with PT Tin has been very good, and we need each other. "Today, again PT Timah is helping fishermen to drown with the aim of increasing catch results, of course, this is very helpful in supporting their welfare," he said.

"For us, PT Timah's participation has been extraordinary for the fishermen," said Lukman.

In the future, he hopes that PT Timah Tbk's collaboration with fishermen can continue so that it can help improve fishermen's welfare.

"We from HNSI Bangka Belitung Islands have the motto Maritime Harmonization because we are aware that the Bangka Belitung Islands cannot be separated from mining activities. "In the future, we hope to collaborate with PT Timah in mangrove planting activities, this aims to reduce coastal sedimentation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Licensing, Implementation & Management of TPI, Bangka Regency Fisheries Service, Reki Subagio, said that the sinking of FADs carried out by PT Timah Tbk was an effort to restore fisheries resources, and would be very beneficial for fishermen.

"We appreciate PT Timah Tbk for sinking this FAD, we hope that PT Timah Tbk can continue to maintain synergy with fishermen groups," he said. (*)