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PT Timah Supports West Bangka Basketball Athletes' Achievements

WEST BANGKA -- Several Western basketball athletes appear to be seriously practicing at the Metallurgical Unit PT Timah Tbk's Basketball court in Muntok, West Bangka.

Routine activities are carried out by athletes as a place to hone hobbies and improve achievements in the field of sports. This exercise is held every Saturday and Sunday as well as during the school holidays.

PT Timah Tbk supports the advancement of basketball by providing field facilities for basketball athletes at the Unmet Sports Facility. Athletes are free to use PT Timah's sports facilities whenever they want to practice.

"PT Timah gives us the freedom to use the field facilities to practice at any time. Of course, PT Timah's support supports the progress of outstanding athletes, because only here the conditions are that the field is quite good, suitable for training," said Basketball Coach Hendrik (27) after training basketball athletes, Saturday (1/10/2022).

Hendrik is grateful for PT Timah's attention to basketball athletes, but he has hope that PT Timah can also facilitate night practice on the grounds of the athlete's progress.

"Most of these athletes are from high school or are juniors who need to gain experience or train with their seniors. Meanwhile, senior athletes can only practice at night. Currently, lighting problems prevent senior athletes from joining and training with their juniors," explained Hendrik.

Nelson, a basketball athlete who is also a student of SMK Bina Karya 2, said he was happy to be able to practice on the PT Timah basketball court.

"It's nice to practice, this field is good, it is also used for district Popda athletes to practice here. Hopefully, the match will be held here later," he hoped

Meanwhile, the female basketball athlete Nalifah admitted the same thing, according to her practicing basketball was a positive activity for her.

"Practicing basketball is a positive activity, besides filling free time, participating in school extracurricular activities, it can also channel hobbies and achievements in basketball, hoping to become a national athlete," he explained.