PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Provides Assistance to the Rebana Group As-Sa'adah in Lalang Village, Manggar District

EAST BELITUNG - To support the religious activities of the community around the mining area, PT Timah has provided assistance to the As-Sa'adah rebana group in Lalang Village, Manggar, East Belitung Regency.

The Chairman of the As-Sa'adah Rebana Group in Lalang Village, Doni Suprianto, expressed gratitude for the assistance from PT Timah, stating that it greatly supports and helps their rebana group's activities.

"Alhamdulillah, PT Timah cares and supports our activities," said Doni Suprianto.

According to Doni, their rebana group's activities are progressing well, although there are shortages, especially in terms of facilities.

"We have 26 members, and our activities run smoothly with training twice a week," he said.

The assistance from PT Timah Tbk will be used to acquire additional equipment such as sound systems, organs, and other operational needs.

"We hope PT Timah continues to prosper and continues to help communities in need," he concluded. (*)