PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Help Complete the Construction of Musala Al Ikhlas Hamlet III Belo Laut

WEST BANGKA -- Residents of Dusun III Belo Laut, Belo Laut Village, Muntok District, West Bangka Regency was finally able to have a Musala after receiving assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

Initially, the community independently built the Musala, which was named Al Ikhlas after receiving a land grant from one of the communities. However, the construction of the Musala, which began in 2021, was delayed due to financial constraints.

"Initially the congregation intended to build the Musala by donating a piece of land by the residents. Then the congregation worked together to build the foundation, but because the donations from the residents were not enough, it was finally delayed," said the Head of the Musala Al Ikhlas Mashud.

Then, his party received assistance from PT Timah Tbk so that they could continue the construction of the Musala.

"After receiving assistance from PT Timah, the construction can continue and be completed, although there are some that still need to be completed.

Mashud said that now the prayer room has been completed and the congregation can worship comfortably. He said that the resident's intention to have a Musala finally came true.

"The prayer room can already be used for worship, previously held prayer as a form of gratitude the congregation has been able to worship in the Musala," said Mashud

"We are helped by the assistance from PT Timah so that the resident's intention to have a prayer room has been realized, thank you PT Timah for helping," he continued.

One of the congregants of Musala Al Ikhlas Sukardi said that his party was happy to be able to worship at the Musala comfortably.

"Alhamdulillah, I am grateful that the construction of the Musala has been completed, the facilities are comfortable, ablution places, toilets, and supporting facilities for worship already exist," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Belo Laut Ibnu Village appreciated PT Timah Tbk for consistently helping the community in various sectors.

"We appreciate and thank PT Timah for supporting the construction of the Al Ikhlas Musala to completion. Alhamdulillah, the Musala is very useful for the community to carry out worship. PT Timah's commitment to helping the community is extraordinary," he said.