PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Healthy Car Visits Residents of Air Bulang Hamlet, South Bangka, Residents Hope to Come Back

SOUTH BANGKA -- It was the turn of the residents of Air Bulang Hamlet, Keposang Village, South Bangka Regency to be visited by the PT Timah Tbk Healthy Car, on Friday (16/2/2024).

PT Timah's Healthy Car is a free health service from PT Timah that comes to the Company's operational areas. Healthy Cars is also an effort by members of the MIND ID Mining Industry to bring health services closer to the community.

The presence of the PT Timah Healthy Car in Air Bulang Hamlet is also used by residents to check their health conditions.

One of the residents of Air Bulang Hamlet, Junaina (51), said She had several complaints, such as aches and pains. So she and her husband, children, and grandchildren came to take advantage of the free health services at Mobil Sehat.

Junaina admitted that she had received information about free health services from PT Timah from her neighbors several days ago. In fact, he can't wait for this day to get free treatment at PT Timah's healthy car.

"From stories from people and neighbors, I know that there is free treatment from PT Timah. The main thing is to get treatment at PT Timah. PT Timah is willing to often provide free treatment for residents," She said.

The same thing was also expressed by Herman (58), a resident of Keposang who came for treatment because he got information from his colleague. He hopes that healthy cars will return to their village.

"I hope this healthy car will visit here often, it's nice to get treatment not far away. Thank you PT Timah for facilitating free treatment here," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Air Bulang Hamlet, Keposang Village, Sarijo, appreciated PT Timah's healthy cars, especially seeing the enthusiasm of the residents for checking their health here.

"Alhamdullilah, since we were informed on the residents' WhatsApp group, it has been proven that more than 100 people have received treatment," he explained.

According to him, their residents are very satisfied with the health services at PT Timah's Mobil Sehat, because the people are served in a friendly manner.

"We are very satisfied with the healthy car service from the registration team to the friendly doctors who are ready to treat residents," he said.

Sarijo hopes that the PT Timah Healthy Car will return to their hamlet so that residents can get treatment closer.

"We hope that in the future there will be more encouragement to visit healthy cars, once a month or once every two months, especially seeing the enthusiasm of the residents who come for treatment. With these healthy cars, residents are really helped, especially in our hamlet where there are many elderly people," he said. (*)