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PT Timah Hands Over Construction Aid for Al-Fattakhul Mosque in Hanging Village

EAST BELITUNG - PT Timah Tbk handed over funding assistance for the construction of the Al-Fattakhul Huda Foundation, Dusun Baru, Hanging Village, Hanging District, East Belitung.

PT Timah Tbk's CSR assistance was handed over directly by representatives of PT Timah Tbk to the Chairman of BKM Masjid Al Fattah, Hanging Village, Hanging District, Ahmad Syarifudin, Wednesday (14/09/2022).

Chairman of the BKM Masjid Al Fattah Hanging Village, Hanging District, Ahmad Syarifudin said the assistance from PT Timah Tbk would be used to help build the mosque which was being renovated.

"Alhamdulillah, PT Timah Tbk's CSR assistance is available for this mosque," said Ahmad Syarifudin.

According to Ahmad, the CSR assistance will be used to purchase interior equipment such as windows and others.

Because, before they renovated the frames and windows were made of wood, during this renovation, they planned to use aluminum.

"This mosque was established in 2011, and the congregation is large enough for dawn to reach 2 rows or rows, and 3 to 4 rows of Maghrib prayers, especially Friday nights," he explained.

They are grateful to receive the assistance from PT Timah Tbk, so that they can speed up the renovation process.

"So we will install doors and windows, so we are not afraid of animals entering the mosque again because the mosque fence is low. If the windows have not been installed, we are afraid that animals will enter," he explained.

He hopes that in the future PT Timah Tbk will continue to support the renovation of their mosque, because apart from being a place of worship, their mosque is also used for other religious activities, such as TPA and recitation.

Meanwhile, Hanging Village Head Arief Kusmaryadi appreciated PT Timah Tbk's assistance, and hoped that the assistance could be used according to the proposals they submitted.

"God willing, it will be useful for the mosque," said Arief Kusmaryadi.

Arief explained that PT Timah Tbk's assistance to this mosque could speed up the renovation process because the mosque has a large number of congregations.

"Initially it was a surau, the congregation increased and there were many other religious activities, so the mosque was upgraded, especially since yesterday's Eid prayer was full," he said.