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PT Timah Gathers Pregnant Women and Posyandu Cadres in Tanjung Ratu Sungailiat Hamlet for Education on Stunting Prevention and Handling

BANGKA -- Dozens of pregnant women, mothers with toddlers, and Sinar Harapan Posyandu cadres in Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, Rebo Village, Sungailiat, Bangka Regency took part in PT Timah's Kemunting program health outreach (stunting reduction activities) at the Sinar Harapan Posyandu building, Thursday ( 7/3/2024).

PT Timah collaborates with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) Bangka Belitung to provide education about preventing and handling stunting for pregnant women and PKK cadres in Tanjung Ratu Hamlet.

Apart from that, on this occasion, PT Timah also provided additional food packages for stunted children in Tanjung Ratu Hamlet.

This member of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding regularly implements the Kemunting program as an effort to support the Government in alleviating stunting towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.

This socialization was also enthusiastically welcomed by pregnant women, they asked about the material presented by the Chair of AIMI Bangka Belitung, Mila, who delivered material about maintaining nutritional intake in the first 1000 days of life, about breastfeeding, and using local food to improve children's nutrition.

As is known, Tanjung Ratu Hamlet is one of the government's centers for handling stunting. Six children experience stunting in this hamlet.

Head of Tanjung Ratu Hamlet, Sudiryanto, appreciated PT Timah's steps in supporting stunting management in their area. One of them is through this outreach to increase the insight and knowledge of pregnant women and Integrated Healthcare Center cadres.

"Tanjung Ratu Hamlet is one of the centers for handling stunting. Six children are stunted and the government has made various efforts to handle this," he said.

He said that many stunted children in their hamlet were caused by early marriage and parents' lack of knowledge about parenting patterns and fulfilling children's nutrition.

One of the pregnant women who took part in this socialization, Yunasti (31), said that there was a lot of knowledge gained from this activity. He became aware of child-rearing patterns, fulfilling nutrition and using local food to fulfill children's nutrition, the correct way to breastfeed, and how to prepare food properly and correctly.

"I have gained a lot of new knowledge and this is very useful so that later I can apply it. Hopefully, it will be able to meet children's nutritional needs so they don't get stunted and I will know more about processing vegetables," he said. (*)