PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Distributes Food Packages to Residents of Tanjung Village in Ramadan

BANGKA.BARAT - PT Timah continues to spread benefits and share happiness with the community in the Holy Month of Ramadan through various social activities.

This happiness was also felt by residents of Tanjung Village, West Bangka Regency who received 100 food packages from PT Timah.

The food package assistance is expected to help the community's food needs ahead of Eid al-Fitr this year.

One of the beneficiaries of the food packages, Norma (67) said that since her husband died, she has been living with her son. With this food package assistance, it can help her to fulfil her daily food needs. Therefore, she is grateful to receive assistance from PT Timah.

‘Since my husband died, my children have fulfilled my needs. Alhamdulillah, there is food assistance from PT Timah, I have no income so I am very happy to get this assistance. Thank you for helping my grandmother,’ she said.

Similarly, Kartini (40) said that she represented her brother Saparudin (56) who was the beneficiary to take the food packages from PT Timah, appreciating the food packages from PT Timah.

‘Because my brother is currently paralysed due to a stroke, I represent taking the food packages for my brother.
I thank you for the assistance for my brother, of course it is very useful to alleviate the family's economy,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Tanjung Village Community Welfare Section Head Riezka Gilang Minatama said that PT Timah is one of the companies that consistently helps Tanjung residents.

‘So far, PT Timah has consistently helped the residents of Tanjung, a lot of assistance has been received by the community, such as basic necessities, assistance for sick people, natural disaster assistance, sacrificial animal assistance, and many more,’ he said.

In the future, he hopes that the synergy between the community, PT Timah and the community can be maintained. (*)