PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


PT Timah Distributes 39 Sacrificial Animals to West Bangka Regency

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah Tbk distributed 39 sacrificial animals to West Bangka Regency. Dozens of these sacrificial animals were handed over to the mosque and stakeholders.

Symbolically, the donation of sacrificial animals from PT Timah Tbk was handed over by the Head of Administration for the Metallurgical Unit, Arief Yudianto, and was received by the administrative and general assistant Herzon at the West Bangka Regency Government Office Courtyard, Friday (9/7/2022).

The administrative and general assistant of the West Bangka Regency Government, Herzon, appreciated PT Timah for its concern for the people of West Bangka in celebrating religious holidays.

"On behalf of the local government and the people of West Bangka, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to PT Timah for its concern for the people of West Bangka," he said.

Similarly, the Head of the West Bangka State Attorney's Office, Wawan Kustiawan, said that PT Timah's donation of sacrificial animals was very useful in helping the community's economy.

"I thank you for the qurbani assistance, especially to the people of West Bangka as many as 39 cows from PT Timah. In the conditions of Covid that have been sloping and the price of basic necessities soaring ahead of Eid, this is very beneficial for the community.
Hopefully, the distribution of the sacrificial meat will be accepted by people in need, and PT Timah will be successful," said Kajari.

Meanwhile, West Bangka Police Deputy Chief Commissioner Andri Eko Setiawan said that the donations for the sacrificial animals provided by PT Timah would be distributed to people who were entitled to receive them.

"We will distribute the aid for the sacrificial animals to underprivileged communities around the West Bangka Police Headquarters. This can make a positive contribution, the synergy between PT Timah and the police is equally shared with people in need," explained the Deputy Chief of Police.

Separately, the head of the Al-Hidayah mosque in Tegalrejo village, Muntok Sarbudiono, said that the donation of sacrificial animals was a form of PT Timah's concern for the community.

"We from the management of the Al-Hidayah mosque would like to thank PT Timah for providing assistance to the mosque, for us to cut it and distribute it to the congregation," he said.

"This is a great concern for the interests of the people around us.
Hopefully this is a blessing for all of us, and PT Timah will remain victorious," said Sarbudiono who is also the chairman of PD Muhamadiyah West Bangka.