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PT Timah and Kodim 0431/West Bangka Collaborate to Plant Hundreds of Mangroves on Teluk Rubiah Mentok Beach 

WEST BANGKA -- PT Timah collaborated with Kodim 0431 West Bangka to carry out mangrove planting on Teluk Rubiah Mentok Beach, West Bangka, Wednesday (12/6/2024).

Apart from planting mangroves, this activity also started with a beach clean which was held in conjunction with the 14th anniversary of Korem 045/Gaya and the success of the Head of Uniting with Nature flagship program in the Kodim 0431/West Bangka area.

PT Timah provided support for 500 mangrove seedlings and water stakes, a number of PT Timah employees participated in carrying out mangrove planting together with members of the TNI, POLRI, sub-district government, and the community.

This mangrove planting is part of sustainable environmental management efforts carried out together with stakeholders.

Commander of Kodim (DANDIM) 0431 West Bangka Lt. Col. Inf. Kiemas Muhamad Nauval said that the replanting of 500 mangrove seedlings was a form of concern for Kodim 0431 West Bangka and PT Timah in preserving the nature of West Bangka.

"The hope for the future is that West Bangka will not only grow economically, technologically, structurally, but also as a city that is naturally advanced, and its people also care about preserving nature," explained the Dandim.

In the future, he hopes that this mangrove planting and reforestation program can continue in collaboration with various parties including PT Timah.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the West Bangka All Indonesian Fishermen's Association (HNSI) Andri Sagita said that mangrove planting was an effort to prevent coastal erosion and improve the coastal ecosystem.

"In the future, this mangrove will become a gathering place for marine biota, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, and snails. Later, the community, especially fishermen, will experience this greening. HNSI really supports the KODIM mangrove planting program with PT Timah," said Andri.

In line with Andri, local residents and Head of RT 02 RW 06, Yang Nurma, admitted that there were many benefits from implementing the mangrove planting program and cleaning up rubbish on the beach.

"The environment will become cleaner, and more natural, and the future economic impact will make it easier for the community, especially to find marine products. On behalf of the community, I would like to thank the TNI and PT Timah," he said. (*)