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PT DAK Launches TB Bukit Prima 03 for PT Bukit Prima Bahari, Continues to Move to Meet Customer Needs

PANGKALPINANG – PT DOK and Perkapalan Air Kantung, known as PT DAK, continue to produce various types of ships to meet consumer needs.

This time, PT DAK launched a Tag Boat named TB Bukit Prima 03 which was an order from PT Bukit Prima Bahari.

The launch of the Tag Boat TB Bukit Prima 03 was carried out symbolically at the PT DAK shipyard, Selindung, Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Wednesday (26/06/24).

Plt. President Director of PT DAK Bambang Wibisono We hope that this tag boat can support the operational activities of PT Bukit Prima Bahari.

"This is an important moment for all of us, where TB Bukit Prima 03 is a Tag Boat ship set ordered by PT Bukit Prima Bahari. "Hopefully this Tag Boat can operate well so that it can support the operation of the ship fleet at PT Bukit Prima Bahari," said Bambang.

Meanwhile, the Main Director of PT Bukit Prima Bahari Yani R.M Ondang admitted that he was happy to be working with PT DAK.

"We are very grateful today to be able to attend and come back to PT DAK, this is the third time we have launched the site seats we ordered," he said.

According to him, they received the first ship set in January, the second in May, and the third ship set was received today.

"We can see that the Bukit Prima 03 Tag Boat will soon be sailing the waters, and this is a matter of pride for us. "That today we can break eggs, we can build new ships, because so far we have only got inherited ships," he said.

"Apart from that, this is also our first collaboration with PT DAK," he continued.

Apart from that, he is also optimistic that the presence of the new fleets can improve the company's performance.

"We hope that work like this can continue because it can support national logistics, especially in the MIND ID group," he said.

Currently, he said, the need for barges is very high, because the need for coal in the coming years will be around one hundred million tons, whereas currently, his party can only supply around forty million tons.

"This is a very fantastic number, and of course really requires fleet support," he said.

PT DAK is a subsidiary of PT Timah Tbk which operates in the shipbuilding industry. Not only does it produce mining vessels for PT Timah Tbk, but PT DAK also serves various types of vessel orders.

PT DAK said it continues to improve shipyard facilities, and improve the quality of human resources so that it can produce various types of ships according to customer requests. (*)