BANGKA - Since 2000, the Pemali Boarding School program has been established as a form of PT Timah's commitment to strengthening education and improving the quality of human resources for communities in the mining area.
Through Pemali Boarding School, PT Timah provides opportunities for outstanding students who are economically constrained and domiciled in the Provinces of Bangka Belitung Islands, Riau, and Riau Islands to receive high school education in superior classes for free.
Not only in the academic aspect, Pemali Boarding School also provides dormitories as an effort to form students' independence and creativity.
One of the Pemali Boarding School scholarship recipients, Andara Vistia, revealed that Pemali Boarding School provided many new experiences and hopes for her, she also claimed to be very challenged to study harder.
“After entering the dormitory, Dara was shocked by the many new activities, new life, new environment. At first Dara cried a lot, but the more she got here, the more she enjoyed it and of course she is very grateful,” she said.
“And because here the competition is very tight, every day seeing friends studying hard, the time is only for studying, so Dara is determined to study harder than friends,” she added.
Andara also said that Pemali Boarding School is very helpful in meeting the needs of life and education so that students only need to focus on learning.
“Here we are all fulfilled starting from the needs of life and school, everything is complete including vehicles, so we only focus on learning and are also guided to prepare for pursuing State Universities,” she explained.
“Dara really hopes that the Pemali Boarding School program will exist forever, because it really helps underprivileged students who have a great desire to learn,” she hoped.
Similarly, Palevi Albar Firdaus also expressed his gratitude for having the opportunity to receive education at Pemali Boarding School and explore many new things.
“I'm really grateful because from there it's not a burden on parents, especially here I can explore new things and I'm happy because the learning environment really stands out,” he said.
She added that the role of the supervisor is huge in motivating the students to continue their passion for learning and pursuing their dreams.
“One time my friends and I lost motivation and really needed encouragement and new motivations to support ourselves, and here the role of the supervisor is very large in motivating us,” he explained.
“Hopefully PT Timah will always be consistent in developing human resources in the mining area and continue to contribute to the community,” he hoped. (**)