PANGKALPINANG -- PT Timah Tbk continues to be committed to carrying out sustainable environmental management. One of them is by carrying out reclamation so that the land is productive again. PT Timah also supports efforts to rehabilitate protected animals to preserve wild animals.
Animals have an important role in maintaining the ecosystem of an area so that it is maintained. For this reason, PT Timah Tbk collaborated with the Animal Lovers of Bangka Island (Alobi) Foundation, the South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center, the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (BKSDA Sumsel KLHK) to carry out animal rehabilitation at the Alobi Animal Rescue Center (PPS) in Kampoeng Jangkang Water Reclamation.
Kampoeng Air Jangkang Reclamation is a former mining area managed by PT Timah Tbk to become an agro-tourism area that carries the concept of edu eco-tourism.
The presence of PPS Alobi is an effort by members of the MIND ID Mining Industry Holding to increase their role in animal conservation. PT Timah Tbk supports PPS Alobi activities which have the task of rescue, rehab, and release of wild animals.
Since 2018 PT Timah Tbk has supported PPS Alobi in rehabilitating protected animals by building 39 habituation cages and hundreds of animals have been rehabilitated at PPS Alobi.
PPS Manager Alobi, Endi R Yusuf, said that the animals being rehabilitated at PPS Alobi were animals confiscated by the state and victims of conflicts with the community and animals translocated from other PPS.
Currently, there are 134 animals being rehabilitated at PPS Alobi, and several types of animals are being rehabilitated such as primates, birds, mammals, and reptiles. The dominant animals rehabilitated include crocodiles, birds, and animals endemic to Bangka Belitung such as mentilin, binturong, sambar deer, slow lorises, and deer.
Animal rehabilitation carried out at PPS Alobi is an effort to restore the wild instincts of the animals, as well as their physical and environmental readiness. So that when released later, the animals can survive and play a role in building the ecosystem as it should.
"With this rehabilitation, we are trying to bring back wild instincts, because this is more difficult than taming it. Selan is not easy and requires a lot of money," said Endi.
After being rehabilitated, the animals that are considered ready will be released into their habitat. In this way, it is hoped that it will be able to maintain protected wild animal populations and also increase populations.
Endi appreciates PT Timah Tbk's commitment as a mining company that has been consistent in preserving wildlife. According to him, reclamation is not just planting trees. Restoring the ecosystem requires the role of animals.
"PT Timah Tbk cares about animal conservation, restoring the ecosystem on reclamation land in stages must be appreciated and can be an example for other companies," he said.
In commemoration, of World Wildlife Day on March 3, 2023, Endi invites all groups not to engage in illegal hunting or animal trading because the best habitat for animals is in nature.
"Stop hunting and catching wild animals, because wild animals have a function to protect the ecosystem," Endi said. (**)