PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Protecting Indigenous Presence, PT Timah Tbk Hands Over Two Units of Weaving Tools to the Mapur Traditional Institute

BANGKA - PT Timah Tbk's indigenous people empowerment program continues. This is an effort to preserve customs and culture in the company's operational areas.

One of PT Timah Tbk's efforts to maintain the local wisdom of indigenous peoples is by handing over two units of Non-Machine Weaving Tools (ATBM) to the Mapur Traditional Institute, Air Abik Hamlet, Gunung Muda Village, Belinyu District, Bangka Regency, Wednesday (28/12/2022).

This assistance was handed over by the Human Resources Director of PT Timah Tbk, Yennita to the Head of the Mapur Asih Harmoko Traditional Institute.

Yennita said that this assistance was a form of PT Timah Tbk's collaboration with the people of Air Abik Hamlet in encouraging the preservation of local people's customs and culture.

"Hopefully, by appreciating this local wisdom, we will not only encourage the preservation of customs and culture. But for the people themselves they can be economically independent," she said.

In addition, PT Timah Tbk also provides training on making handicraft products. So that later the community can make handicraft products that can be marketed nationally but also internationally as well.

Yennita hopes that this assistance can grow and increase the love of the younger generation in preserving customs and culture. In addition, young people are also expected to be able to develop local specialties of the region.

"PT Timah is fully committed to supporting the preservation of customs and culture. And of course in this case, PT Timah fully supports each of these traditional activities, which is one of the goals of sustainable development," she said.

She said the products produced by the community were quite attractive and fit for sale, so this became an economic opportunity for the community.

It is hoped that assistance from the world of non-machine loom units will be utilized optimally. So that later they can make various crafts by involving the community and young people.

The Head of the Mapur Traditional Institute, Asih Harmoko, was grateful to receive non-machine loom assistance from PT Timah Tbk.

With this assistance, it is hoped that the women in their hamlet can improve and develop their weaving craft. So that it can help the community's economy.

"This tool is really needed, on the two days of training, Alhamdulillah, it has gone smoothly and this is beyond our expectations. In these two days they were able to make several weaving crafts and produce crafts that were combined with various materials around here, such as sticks, resam, rattan, and various other materials," said Asih.

For him, PT Timah Tbk's role in the Customary Institution he leads is extraordinary. Apart from that, he was very amazed at the enthusiasm of the residents and also the students who took part in the weaving training.

"In the beginning, it was a bit difficult, but gradually the mothers have started to fluently use the tool," he said.

“Apart from that, we will also place the loom in the Gebong Memarong meeting hall as well, so that the hall is always busy with weaving activities from mothers. And later we will make a schedule for the use of the tool," he said.

According to him, by involving school children, it is hoped that they can create the next generations who can maintain the preservation of their traditions. So that these traditions are maintained, and continue to be learned by children.

"Hopefully in the future, we can continue to work together with PT Timah Tbk. We are very grateful for PT Timah's presence, because from scratch, until the creation of gebong memorong and today there is weaving training for the community and school children around here, of course, it is something very extraordinary that PT Timah has given us," he said.