PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Protecting Biodiversity, Rehabilitating Animals on Ex-Mining Land PT Timah Tbk

PANGKALPINANG -- Animals play an important role in supporting the sustainability of the ecosystem. For this reason, PT Timah Tbk supports efforts to rehabilitate protected animals to preserve animal conservation.

Through the Animal Rescue Center (PPS) which is located in Kampoeng Reclamation AirANGKAng, PT Timah Tbk collaborates with the ALOBI Foundation to rehabilitate protected animals.

Since it was founded in 2018, hundreds of animals have been rehabilitated at the Alobi AirANGKAng PPS. Animals that are rehabilitated include birds, crocodiles, sambar deer, deer, gibbons, binturongs, Javan gibbons, bears, crocodiles, and various other species.

The animals being rehabilitated are animals confiscated by the state victims of conflict with the community and animals translocated from other PPS.

The rehabilitation process lasts long enough to restore their wild instincts, after which animals that are ready to be returned to their habitat will be released into their habitat.

The manager of PPS Alobi, Endi R Yusuf, said that the animal rehabilitation carried out at PPS Alobi is an effort to restore the wild instincts of the animals, as well as their physical and environmental readiness. So that when they are released later, the animals can survive and play a role in building the ecosystem as it should.

Currently, he said, there are around 126 animals being rehabilitated, they have 39 habituation cages. Uniquely, PPS Alobi was founded in Kampoeng Reclamation AirANGKAng, which is an ex-mining land that was reclaimed by PT Timah Tbk with the concept of edu ecotourism.

Endi said that PPS Alobi and PT Timah also often reintroduce animals. He also appreciates PT Timah Tbk's commitment to supporting animal conservation.

"We must move together to protect wild animals, especially since animals play a role in supporting the environmental ecosystem and food chain," he said.

PT Timah Tbk, he said, has shown its commitment to supporting the preservation of protected animals so that they do not become extinct through PPS Alobi. He hopes that the public can also take part in protecting and protecting animals by not carrying out illegal hunting and not destroying the animal ecosystem.

"PT Timah is very committed to implementing and supporting biodiversity, one of which is by protecting animals through PPS Alobi in AirANGKAng. We hope this will continue. Let's work together to protect and protect animals," he said. (*)