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Products of PT Timah Tbk Fostered Partners Shown at the G20 MSME Expo on Belitung Island

BELITUNG - A total of 12 PT Timah Tbk Fostered Partners Participated in the G20 Expo Event in the success of the G20 Development Ministerial Meeting (DMM) which was held on Belitung Island, on 7-9 September.

As for the fostered partners of PT Timah Tbk, namely from Bangka Island, Isnawaty Hadi with cual fabric products such as cual woven, cual batik, ready to wear man and woman and accessories. Yieyie Decoupage products, bags and more. and Maslina with cual woven products.

In addition, other PT Timah Tbk fostered partners, namely Zulaikha, Asriyani, Sundari, Era Mayasari, Maslina, and Suhertina, Bella Kartika participated in marketing their products in this UMKM expo.

Meanwhile, SMEs from Belitung, namely:
Nurlela with banana chips and crackers. Ramayana coriander cracker product

As for the East Belitung district, there are Friskila Mardiana PT Friskila Natural Beauty Trigona Honey products and Juli Sutejo Abel essential oil products.

The product of PT Timah Tbk's partner, is certain to be eyed and even bought directly by the G20 delegation, so that the positive impact will be felt directly by the owner of the product.

One of them, Friskila Mardiana, the owner of the Trigona Honey product, said that she was grateful that her product could appear at the G20 DMM event after going through four product curations. Indeed, the concept that carried eco green so that it displays beauty and nature.

"We display a product that has passed curation, namely the Friskila trigona honey drink," said Friskila.

According to Friskila, out of dozens of products from Beltim Regency, only 5 products passed curation 4 and appeared at the main venue of the Sheraton hotel, Sijuk.

Friskila really appreciates PT Timah Tbk, because PT Timah Tbk always supports the business she is engaged in. In fact, their business turnover is increasing, after being assisted by promotions by PT Timah Tbk through content and news in local media.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday at the JPJR Beltim activity we were ranked second in terms of the highest turnover," she explained.

Meanwhile, Nurlela, the owner of banana chips and crackers, who also appeared at the event, explained that her business products also passed curation, and were entitled to appear at the UMKM exhibition at the BW Suite Tanjungpandan Hotel.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday our products have run out, and we are refilling our products," she said.

She explained that the products that passed the curation passed through various long and direct stages from the ministry. So she prepared his product as best she could, in order to pass curation and appear at the G20 event.

"I feel proud of myself, from hundreds of MSME products, our products can pass curation," she explained.

She also explained that PT Timah Tbk always supports their business, after becoming partners, they are also assisted in promotions, thus expanding the marketing of their business products.*