PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Preventing and Overcoming Stunting in Children, PT Timah Has Presented a Stunting Program in Operational Areas 

PANGKALPINANG -- In order to support the government's efforts to eradicate stunting, PT Timah through CSR in 2023 launched the Stunting Reducing Activities (Kemunting) program.

As a state-owned company, PT Timah Tbk supports reducing the prevalence of stunting in the company's operational areas.

Even though it operates in the mining industry, PT Timah Tbk is committed to improving the quality of life of communities in its operational areas and Indonesia while transforming to build a shared future.

The PT Timah Kemunting program is implemented in PT Timah's operational areas involving various community groups, including teenagers, pregnant women and teenagers. To date, 470 people have participated in the Kemunting program.

Through the Kemunting program, it is a form of PT Timah's commitment to support the realization of Golden Indonesia 2045 and also eradicate stunting and improve the quality of children's health in Indonesia.

The Kemunting program is a preventive and promotive step taken by the company to prevent stunting which is packaged in Kemunting health outreach. It is hoped that this educational program can increase public awareness and knowledge regarding the importance of nutrition in children's growth.

Members of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding also often provide additional food for stunted children in the Company's operational areas. Apart from collaborating with the health team, PT Timah also collaborates with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (AIMI) Bangka Belitung to provide education about fulfilling children's nutrition.

Apart from providing education, PT Timah Tbk also often provides additional food for stunted children and pregnant women in the Company's operational areas. The Kemunting program is implemented in turn in each of the Company's operational areas.

In implementing the Kemunting program, PT Timah usually also provides health services through the PT Timah Healthy Car. So that children can also have their health checked.

Head of PT Timah Corporate Communications, Anggi Siahaan, said that stunting is a serious problem that affects the development of children in Indonesia.

"As part of our corporate social responsibility, we are committed to actively contributing to supporting government programs to overcome stunting. One of them is through the Kemunting program," said Anggi.

Anggi hopes that the kemunting program can have a positive impact on the health and welfare of the community. This program is also part of the company's long-term strategy to make a real contribution to sustainable development in Indonesia.

"We believe that investing in public health and nutrition is an investment for the future. By eliminating stunting, we can create a generation that is healthier, smarter and more productive," he added. (*)