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Prevent and Handle Stunting PT Timah Moves Kemunting Program, Educates Hundreds of Students at SMAN 1 Pemali

BANGKA -- To support the Government's program to prevent and treat stunting, PT Timah Tbk through its CSR Division is presenting an Activity Reducing Stunting (Kemunting) program which will be implemented in the Company's operational areas.

The Kemunting program is a preventive and promotive step taken by the company to prevent stunting which is included in the Kemunting health socialization. Previously, PT Timah Tbk also often provided additional food for stunted children.

PT Timah Tbk's Kemunting Program is in line with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction which mandates a target of a stunt prevalence rate in 2024 of 14%.

Prime, the Kemunting Program, a member of the MIND ID Mining Industry holding PT Timah Tbk, was present at SMAN 1 Pemali by providing education for hundreds of students about stunting, adolescent reproductive health, and stunting handling efforts which were carried out at the SMAN 1 Pemali Hall, Wednesday (23/8/2023 ).

The 200 students enthusiastically listened to Dr. Nazif, SpOG, Subsp's explanation about stunting. In the question and answer session, there were also many students who wanted to appear to be asking questions.

Principal of SMAN 1 Pemali, Eflina, said the socialization about stunting was very good as a preventive measure to prevent stunting. So that their students have comprehensive education about stunting at an early age rather than giving birth to a stunted generation.

"This is the first step to determining a better life so that there are 200 children present today. We will ask them later to convey this to their friends, family and environment so that information about stunting is widespread and can be prevented," she said.

One of the participants, Jingga, said that he already knew about stunting, but today he just got knowledge about stunting prevention and treatment.

"It was great that we were explained new things that provided new insights. We often hear about stunting, but it turns out that this is very widespread. In fact, we have to take care of it from now on so that in the future we can give birth to a generation that is not stunted," she said.

In the same vein, Ikbar Kamulian said he gained a lot of new insights about stunting, prevention, and treatment.

"What was conveyed is very related to current conditions, and this also makes us more careful in socializing rather than falling into early marriage which causes unpreparedness to become parents," he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Nazif explained that the health socialization in the Kemunting program was a concrete effort by PT Timah Tbk to prevent stunting. The reason is, many children are born with stunting due to the condition of giving birth in their teens.

Apart from that, he said it is important for teenagers to get an education about stunting because in the future these teenagers will become parents and this must be prepared.

"PT Timah Tbk previously provided additional food for stunted children. However, the efforts made today are preventive and promotive measures to prevent stunting. Why is the audience today young we want to provide education so they understand about the reproductive system and stunting and the dangers of stunting. and prevention," explained the company doctor PT Timah Tbk.

In the future, he said, the Kemunting activities would be routine by targeting pregnant women in the company's operational areas and women's groups.

"After Preventive we also carry out promotive actions, this program will continue because we will also work closely with Puskesmas in operational areas. We will also educate pregnant women so they can get complete education and information so they don't give birth to stunted children," he explained.