PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Prevent and Deal with Stunting, PT Timah Tbk Educates on Stunting for Bukit Layang Villagers

BANGKA -- To prevent and deal with stunting cases, PT Timah Tbk held outreach and education on stunting prevention for the community in Bukit Layang Village, Bakam District, Bangka Regency, Wednesday (7/9/2022).

This education about stunting coincided with free health services through PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car which was held in Sidomulyo Hamlet. Through stunting prevention education, it is hoped that it can prevent stunting rates.

Stunting is currently a serious concern of the Government, to support this stunting management program, PT Timah Tbk plays a role in educating the public about stunting prevention.

In addition to carrying out stunting prevention education, PT Timah Tbk also provides additional food packages for children in Bukit Layang Village who are indicated to be stunted.

The socialization of stunting prevention and treatment, which was filled by Dr. Septi from the PT Timah Tbk Hiperkes Team and the Bukit Layang Deseni Village Midwife, was enthusiastically welcomed by the residents. This educational activity is also interactive.

"Stunting is a child's height and weight that is not in accordance with his age, this can be caused by several factors. Stunting can be prevented from gestational age, where pregnant women must routinely check their health, ensure nutritional intake is met," explained Dr. Septi.

Meanwhile, the Bukit Layang Village Midwife Deseni said that his party welcomed the education on prevention and treatment of stunting by PT Timah Tbk. He said there were five children in their village who were indicated to be stunted and needed to be treated.

"We are happy when we gather like this there is education about stunting, so that parents, grandmothers and grandfathers understand more about stunting. So this also helps us to explain to residents. Because sometimes there are also those who are offended when our children say they have to gain weight ," she said.

She said that his party also routinely educates about stunting through the posyandu and their pregnant women classes. Her party appreciates PT Timah Tbk who has cared for the handling of stunting.

"We also regularly educate the public, and we are happy that PT Timah Tbk is involved in educating about stunting because this must be done together," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bukit Layang Village, Surono, appreciated the concrete steps taken by PT Timah Tbk to help deal with stunting.

"Education like this is very important, so that our residents understand better what stunting is and this can be prevented. We Village Government also have a program to deal with stunting by providing additional food," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk can continue to synergize with the Regional Government in preventing and dealing with stunting in their village.

One of the residents who attended stunting prevention education, Siti Rofiah (28) admitted that she could gain a lot of knowledge about stunting after participating in this socialization.

"I got new knowledge, so the child does not only eat but must also be nutritious for the growth and development of the child. It turns out that marrying young is also not good. This is very useful," she said.

Meanwhile, one of the parents who received additional food package assistance from PT Timah Tbk Tri Amelia said she was happy to be able to get an additional food package from PT Timah Tbk.

"My child is eating a bit difficult, now he is 14 months old and weighs 6.6 kg. Often this is taken to the posyandu and often monitored by Mrs. Midwife as well as her condition. Thank God, today I got another additional package of food," she said.

Similarly, Yulianti admitted that she did not expect that she and her family would receive additional food packages. According to him, this food package will be processed so that it can be consumed by the baby.

"I didn't think I would get this assistance delivered directly to my house. Later it will be cooked for my child," she said.