PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Preserving Marawis Art with the Jam'iyah Religious Marawis Group Sholawat Balabil Thoybah

*PT Timah Tbk Provides Equipment Assistance

BELITUNG TIMUR - In order to encourage the development and preservation of marawis art in Belitung Timur, PT Timah Tbk donated marawis art facilities and infrastructure for Marawis Religious Jam'iyah Sholawat Balabil Thoybah group, Kurnia Jaya Village, Manggar, Belitung Timur, Thursday (3/2/2022).

The founder of the Marawis Religious group Jam'iyah Sholawat Balabil Thoybah, Ustaz M Mashiruddin said he founded the marawis assembly around 2014 which started from a boarding school.

According to Ustaz M Mashiruddin, currently, there are 17 Marawis members, while there are 8 junior members. Public support for the art of marawis is quite high, as many parents allow their children to practice preserving marawis.

The marawis group led by Ustaz M Mashiruddin has appeared in various activities.

"Thank God we have performed in Manggar, Kampung Baru, Kampit, Tanjungpandan and others, so we have performed throughout Belitung Island," he explained.

He said that the Marawis equipment was not fully complete, so he asked PT Timah Tbk for support such as speakers and other equipment.

Therefore, with the assistance of PT Timah Tbk, it really helps them to add their marawis art tools. So that it adds to their enthusiasm to pray with the community.

"Alhamdulillah, PT Timah Tbk has provided assistance, hopefully it will become a charity, I am very grateful for the founder, I hope PT Timah Tbk continues to grow," he explained.

He hopes that Marawis Religi Jam'iyah Sholawat Balabil Thoybah will continue to be present with the community, and PT Timah Tbk will continue to support their activities. (**)