PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Preserving Marawis Art, PT Timah Gives Art Tools to Alhidayah Serimpang Darussalam Foundation 

BANGKA BARAT -- The Taqlim Council and the Alhidayah Serimpang Darussalam foundation in Bakit Village, Parittiga District, West Bangka Regency are still consistent in preserving Marawis art. In fact, they have presented Marawis art to other districts.

To preserve this Marawis art, PT Timah Tbk provided assistance in the procurement of Marawis equipment and sound systems to the Taklim Council and the Alhidayah Serimpang Darussalam foundation. The assembly led by Ustaz Askari Marjuki continues to promote the art of marawis to various regions so that it remains sustainable.

"Thank God, yesterday submitting a proposal for assistance for the procurement of Marawis equipment was well received and this is very useful," said the Chairman of the Taqlim Council and the Alhidayah Serimpang Darussalam foundation, Ustaz Askari Marjuki during the handover of aid, Tuesday (11/1/2022).

Ustaz Askari said that their marawis group often received invitations from the community to appear in various activities. However, they don't have a sound system so they have to rent it every time they appear. As for buying, they can't, because every time they appear they never charge a fee.

"So far, when we are called, we often rent cars, sound system rentals which are sometimes not covered, because in society we never determine the rates. But if we are rewarded in the form of gifts, we will receive any amount," he explained.

He admits, the challenge to continue to preserve Marawis music is to adapt it to the latest music. He admits that it is music that is thick with religious nuances, this is not easy but they keep trying.

"Our challenge so far is praying that as time goes on, we have to follow the times, in following it can not be separated from the color of the music and the support of the sound of the music. So the support of the sound system is very decisive than the quality of the sound because it is basically worship," he said.

According to him, their Marawis group, apart from performing locally, has also performed outside the district of West Bangka."This Serempang is in Bakit village, but the congregation is from Semulut village, Parittiga Jebus Pangal Pinang, who uses Marawis art even to South Bangka," he continued.

He hopes that later on, PT Timah Tbk will also be able to appear and be invited to corporate events. So that the art of marawis will remain sustainable. "Hopefully later PT Timah Tbk will also invite us, we will be happy to present a distinctive marawis art with religious nuances," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Parittiga Madrisa said that with the help of PT Timah, he could preserve the culture in the Parittiga sub-district. "Hopefully, with the help from PT Timah, the existing arts and culture can be preserved and developed," he said. (**)