PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Preserving Intangible Culture, PT Timah Tbk Supports the Development of the Pangean Silat School Four Children's Pages

KUNDUR -- PT Timah Tbk continues to support the preservation of cultural heritage. One of them is intangible cultural heritage which is still protected by community groups.

For this reason, PT Timah Tbk handed over assistance to the Pangean Laman Silat School for Four Children on Kundur Island, Kundur District, Karimun Regency.

Chairman of the Pangean Silat School, Laman Anak Berempat Sadari, said that PT Timah Tbk's assistance would be used to complete equipment to support the training of its students.

Currently, he said, the Silat Pangean Laman Anak Berempat school still needs various equipment as well as facilities and infrastructure for training.

"Even though the equipment is inadequate, this is not an excuse for us to continue practicing and developing this university," he said.

He said that recently students from the Pangean Laman Anak Berempat Silat College achieved achievements by becoming champions in an event organized by the Karimun Regency Government.

He also hopes that in the future, this Silat College will continue to develop so that its sustainability is maintained and does not become extinct and lost over time.

"Because currently many foreign cultures have entered Kundur Island, either directly or indirectly. If we don't protect and preserve this culture, it is not impossible that our next generation of children will not be familiar with the cultural heritage of our ancestors, including silat," he said.

Therefore, the party appreciates the support of PT Timah Tbk which has cared to play a role in helping the Pangean Laman Children's Four Sadari Silat School so that it can continue to develop.

"Thank you to PT Timah Tbk for participating in preserving the pencak silat culture on Kundur Island," he said. (*)