PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Preserving Indigenous Peoples and Local Wisdom, PT Timah Tbk Supports Jering Culture Festival Activities

WEST BANGKA -- To support the preservation of local customs and wisdom of the people around the Company's operational areas, PT Timah Tbk supports the 'Jering Culture Festival' activity which is held in Pelangas Village.

This MIND ID Mining Industry holding member often supports activities to preserve community customs and culture. One of them is the Jering Festival which has been held since 1 Muharram.

The head of the Jering Culture Festival committee, Rahman (29), said that the series of activities for the Jering Culture Festival began with singing dudul, performing, mass circumcision, khataman at the mosque on the first of Muharam, playing fireball and cooking Porridge Sure on the 10th of Muharram.

Apart from that, traditional games were also held, such as nulup, tops, if-ifs, parrots, chicken pegs, and catfish stakes. The lively Jering Festival Culture was closed with dance, silat, measles, and dambus performances.

"This is the first time this event has been held and will become an annual agenda for the people of Pelangas Village," he said.

Rahman is grateful that PT Timah has participated in and supported the Jering Culture Festival that they are holding. This is one of the efforts to preserve the culture, traditions and local wisdom of the people of Pelangas Village,

"On behalf of the committee, we thank PT Timah, and next year we hope that PT Timah will be able to support the Even Jering Culture Festival again to make it even more lively," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the Head of Pelangas Village Hermin said, through this activity, could increase community unity. So that various activities can be packaged in one event.

"This assistance is very helpful, very useful for organizing the Even Jering Culture Festival," he said. (*)