PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Present in Bukit Layang Village, PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Cars Are Invaded by Residents for Free Health Checks

BANGKA -- Free Health Services through PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Cars continues to reach people in the company's operational areas.

The presence of PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car was enthusiastically welcomed by residents of Bukit Layang Village, Bakam District, Bangka Regency, who carried out free examinations and treatment in one of the residents' houses in Sidomulyo Hamlet, Bukit Layang Village.

About a hundred more residents take turns to check their health, they come from various hamlets in the village.

Head of Bukit Layang Village, Surono, said that people in their village flocked to seek treatment because apart from being free, the community could also be closer to getting health services.

Surono said that so far, their residents have been seeking treatment at the Village Midwife and Sub-Puskesmas, because the Puskesmas is quite far from their village.

"The health center is about 25 kilometers away from here in Bakam, most people prefer to go to Sungailiat for treatment, about 15 kilometers from here. Those who are sick with coughs and colds usually go to the Village Midwife or Pustu," he said.

No wonder many people use this health service to check their health condition.

He also appreciated PT Timah Tbk for bringing health services closer to the people in their village. This pick-up health service can help residents directly.

"The enthusiasm is extraordinary, from hamlets one to seven, all of them come for treatment. Because this is an opportunity to get closer and free treatment. This is very helpful for our residents," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car can come back to their village so that its residents can carry out regular health checks.

"Hopefully in the future the Healthy Car can come again to Bukit Layang Village, so residents can get treatment again. Because actually these residents want to check their health just because they are far away, if it's not bad, they haven't been taken to the doctor," he said.

One of the residents, Satinah (73), a resident of Dusun Cungfo, said she experienced several complaints such as headaches and pain.

"The treatment is closer, it's free too. I as a citizen are happy and helped by the PT Timah Tbk Healthy Car," she said.

Likewise, husband and wife Soina (57) and Sabar (68) also take advantage of PT Timah Tbk's Health Car health service. They feel very satisfied with this health service.

"Alhamdulillah, the treatment is close, I just need to push my wife's wheelchair. Usually if you want treatment it's far so you have to go up and down the wheelchair. Earlier, the treatment was also fast, I was also helped to take me home," he said.

Similarly, Irmawati (26) said that she and her 5-year-old child were experiencing itching. So they want to consult at Car Sehat PT Timah Tbk.

"My child is also taking treatment because the itching has been taken for treatment but there is no shortage. I want to get treatment here because of the itching and dizziness. Hopefully later we can recover," she said.