PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Present at Kimak Village, PT Timah Tbk Health Car Provides Free Health Services to the Community

BANGKA - PT Timah Tbk's Healthy Car is present in Kimak Village, Merawang District, Bangka Regency to provide free health services for the community, Thursday (3/8/2023).

The people of Kimak Village are enthusiastic about taking advantage of health services from PT Timah Tbk because this is the first time the Health Car has visited Kimak Village.

Head of Kimak Village, Mustafa Haji Zainak said the presence of PT Timah Tbk's Health Car provided good benefits for their community to treat and check their health.

“The existence of this free health check has a positive impact on our community. Because it helps and eases the burden on the community and they can find out what disease they are suffering from," he said.

According to him, the presence of the Healthy Car belonging to MIND ID Mining Industry holding members was enthusiastically welcomed by residents and the Village Government. Moreover, medical services and health checks are free.

"The community is enthusiastic as well as the village government. This is the first time, the first history, and this is the first time that a medical team from PT Timah has come to examine the health of our community," said Mustafa.

Mustafa said, PT Timah Tbk's contribution to their residents is not only through Healthy Cars. However, PT Timah Tbk often helps the community in various aspects.

In the future, he hopes PT Timah Tbk's Health Car can come back to their village so that the community can carry out periodic checks.

"Alhamdulillah for Kimak, PT Timah's contribution to Kimak Village itself has been greatly felt by our community, especially in the religious field. We hope that the Healthy Car activity can continue because it means a lot to the less fortunate," he said.

Meanwhile, Sumi, one of the residents who took part in health checks at Mobil Sehat, said that so far she has had complaints such as a body that feels numb, weak, often has cramps and is easily sleepy.

After conducting an examination at the PT Timah Tbk Health Car, he found out that he had gout and received medication and received education from the medical team to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

"Knowing about this activity from the Village Government, people also often tell me about this activity. Since the activity is free, we are very interested in participating. Hopefully, in the future my health will improve, so that I can do gardening activities comfortably and don't have cramps anymore," said Sumi.

In the same vein, Saddan Syah Akbar (21) a KKN Sub Unit 2 student from Gajah Mada University said the Healthy Car program conducted by PT Timah Tbk was very good for the community.

"PT Timah with its healthy car, provides health services for people who are included in the public service section. This is in line with the theme we achieved regarding public service," he said.

According to him, they also collaborated with PT Timah Tbk in presenting a Healthy Car in Kimak Village. Not only Healthy Cars but also socialization about stunting.

"We feel very helped, as well as the community. Because they can do health screening, apart from that they also get medicines. In the future, hopefully, this car can enter remote villages to increase public awareness so they care more about health," he hoped. (*)