PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


Playing a Role in Preserving Customs and Traditions, PT Timah Tbk Participates in Supporting the Celebration of the Tradition of the Mine Circle Community

WEST BANGKA -- Tradition is part of the social life of the community, the acculturation process of the community makes traditions in Bangka Belitung diverse and interesting.

Preserving tradition is part of maintaining the existence of community groups.

PT Timah Tbk often participates in preserving the culture, customs, and traditions of the community around the mine. This is an effort to keep the community's traditions alive.

Efforts to preserve culture and traditions carried out by PT Timah Tbk include supporting traditional preservation activities carried out by the community in the company's operational areas.

The traditional activities supported by PT Timah Tbk include the Sedekah Kapong activity held in Simpang Tiga Village, Sedekah Kapong Bersatu in Kundi Village, the Month of Prayer Tradition in Puput Village, and the Ketupat War in Tempilang Village.

Alms Kapong in Simpang Tiga Village, Simpang Teritip District, West Bangka Regency is held every year. There are various series of Sedekah Kapong activities, namely mass circumcision, dambus art, Campak, Pencak silat, and various other activities.

The head of the Simpang Tiga village traditional institution, Darmiyanto, said that the Simpang Tiga residents maintain the customs and traditions inherited by their ancestors.

The man who is often called Kak Ito also appreciated PT Timah for supporting the preservation of adat in Simpang Tiga village.

Another tradition that is no less exciting is the Bersatu Kapong Kundi Sedekah which is held Saturday-Monday (27-29/8/2022). PT Timah Tbk contributed to the success of this series of activities.

The chairman of the Kundi traditional party committee, Wahyu said, PT Timah Tbk has supported the preservation of customs in Kundi Village. He said the traditional Kundi party was an effort to preserve customs.

This village party is a form of gratitude for the residents of Kundi Village for the harvest of crops given by God to the Kundi community. In addition, it is also a gathering place for the Kundi community and other communities.

"PT Timah supports the preservation of the Kundi customs, as evidenced by providing financial assistance for organizing the Traditional Festival or we call it Sedekah Kampung here," said Wahyu.

PT Timah Tbk also supports the Ketupat War tradition in Tempilang Village, West Bangka Regency by handing over assistance to the chairman of the diamond war tradition committee. To enliven the diamond war, the committee usually also holds a series of other activities.

The Tempilang Customary Chief, Keman appreciated PT Timah's support for preserving cultural traditions in Indonesia.

“I really appreciate what PT Timah has done. This is a form of support for PT Timah to always maintain the preservation of cultural traditions and local wisdom in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of West Bangka Bong Ming Ming hopes that this Kapong alms can continue to be preserved. According to him, activities like this unite the Kundi community.

"We must preserve the Kapong Kundi Bersatu Sedekah Adat, a tradition that comes from our ancestors. This is a custom that has become a tourism agenda in both the province and the district. In the future we will plan better. " he said.

The Vice Regent also appreciated all parties who have supported activities to preserve this custom.

"The committee, provincial and district governments, PT Timah, Bank Sumsel, community leaders, clerics, youth leaders, and all parties are involved in the success of the Kapong Kundi Bersatu Sedekah activities," he said.