PT TIMAH Tbk continuosly supports the community in every aspect of life.


People with Disabilities in West Bangka Receive Basic Food Packages from PT Timah Tbk

WEST BANGKA – PT Timah Tbk again distributed food packages for the community in the company's operational areas in the month of Ramadan, this time, the food packages were distributed to people with disabilities in West Bangka Regency.

These basic food packages were handed over to two people with disabilities, Aminah (62) and Asmana (65) from Muntok, West Bangka Regency.

Aminah is grateful to get a food package from PT Timah Tbk, this assistance can help her in meeting her daily needs. She, who lives alone is in dire need of help like this.

Previously, Aminah was also one of the recipients of housing assistance from PT Timah Tbk in collaboration with the army to renovate her house.

"Alhamdulillah, now since this house was renovated by PT Timah and the TNI yesterday, Yuk Minah feels more comfortable, sleeping is also good, it's not as difficult as before, now PT Timah is giving more basic necessities to Yuk Minah. Thank you, God," she said when he received the food package. at her residence, Thursday (14/4/2022).

The woman who is often called Yuk Minah is very happy with the help from PT Timah Tbk. She prays that PT Timah Tbk will continue to prosper.

Similarly, Asmana (65), a deaf resident of Belo Laut village, said that she often received assistance from PT Timah Tbk,

"Every time there is assistance from PT Timah, it is always given. Thank God PT Timah cares for us. Hopefully, PT Timah will continue to advance and continue to help residents like us," said Asmana.

Meanwhile, the Head of Muntok Sukandi Sub-district appreciated PT Timah Tbk's commitment to helping the community. Moreover, food packages are one of the needs of the community.

"We already know PT Timah is a company that cares for the people of Muntok, especially for people with disabilities to be a priority. We say thank you, as much appreciation to PT Timah," she said.