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Paying Attention to Fisherman Safety, PT Timah Hands Life Jackets to Two Groups of Fishermen in West Bangka

WEST BANGKA – In commemoration of the National OHS (K3) Month 2022, PT Timah Tbk handed over life jacket assistance to two groups of fishermen in West Bangka Regency.

This Life Jacket was handed over directly by the Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk, Alwin Albar and the Head of the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, Wiyono to the Jaya Mandiri 1 Sungaibaru group and Anugrah Pait Jaya Belo Laut after the 2022 National K3 Grand Rally held at the Muntok Metallurgical Unit, West Bangka. , Wednesday (9/2/2022).

As is known, life jackets are important for fishermen when they go to sea, where life jackets serve to help fishermen in an emergency. Especially at this time, the weather is extreme.

The chairman of the Jaya Mandiri 1 Group, Kasdi, said that this life jacket was really needed because the life jackets they had were damaged and were no longer suitable for use, because they had been used for a long time.

"We actually already have a life jacket, but it has been damaged because it has been used for so many years. With this new jacket, we feel helped and safe when we go to sea," said Kasdi

He admits that life jackets are the main factor for the safety of fishermen, so this is very much needed.

"A fisherman must use a life jacket because it is safety, the main factor for fishermen's safety. Moreover, the current weather is extreme, the use of a life jacket is mandatory, so fishermen will be safe and effective at sea," he explained.

Similarly, the Chairman of the Anugrah Fishermen group in Pait Jaya Parman expressed his appreciation to PT Timah Tbk for helping fishermen by providing life jackets.

"The use of life jackets for fishermen is prioritized, it is very important because it is for safety. Hopefully with this help from PT Timah, it can motivate fishermen in Pait Jaya hamlet to sail," he said.

He hopes that PT Timah Tbk can provide this life jacket assistance on a regular basis because the life jacket generally only lasts once a year.*